The following are two of the most
frequently asked questions and their answers from my favorite nail
professional, Sharon Bayles. This is an excerpt from by second book, Skin Care A to Z.
Why do my nails peel?
factors could be to blame for this annoying problem. It’s usually
environment or chemical stresses. Your nails are porous, so excessive
washing can make them brittle, as mentioned before.
use polish removers with acetone (very drying) or polish with
sensitizing ingredients like toluene, nitrocellulose or formaldehyde. If
your nails have always peeled, you have your parents to thank for that
gene! Buffing is an excellent option because it helps to hold the
peeling ends together, and it shines like a polish would without the
chemicals. Buy a good buffing cream and a chamois buffer and shine away!
Note that buffing is great for most nails to diminish ridges and
peeling ends, but should be avoided if skin or nail disorders like
psoriasis or dermatitis are present.
How can I get my nails to grow?
regular manicures by either yourself or a licensed professional is the
fastest way to healthy nails. Always incorporate a good massage to your
hands and pull on the fingers to tips to get the blood circulating. You
will see results with this consistent care. Second, don’t think you have
to have talons to have great nails. Be realistic and honest. Most of us
know our nail length “limit.” Keeping nails trimmed at or below this
limit will eliminate a lot of breakage.

my last tip is to always wear sunscreen on your hands. In the years to
come you’ll thank yourself as you hear your friends complaining about
their “spots.”
Thank you, Sharon, for helping to explain the answers to these important questions.
For more information on taking good care of your hands and nails, see:
Thank you, Sharon, for helping to explain the answers to these important questions.
For more information on taking good care of your hands and nails, see: