Getting regular facials and using high-quality products at home are vital to achieving and maintaining clear, vibrant skin. But I believe you must also care for your skin from the inside out to bring about the best results. Understanding the correlation between internal, balanced health and external beauty is what my work is all about. I’m interested in long-term, obtainable results that help my clients achieve healthy skin—for a lifetime.
Do you offer skin care consultations?

Do you see both women and men for skin care?
Absolutely! There has been this long-standing mythology that says facials are for women only. I actually think when the TV show Queer Eye for the Straight Guy came out in 2003, it helped to clear up that misconception a bit. However, you don’t have to be a “metrosexual” to enjoy the benefits of a facial. Skin is skin, no matter which gender is wearing it. I always appreciate hearing about men getting facials. It says they understand the importance of skin care maintenance, and these men don’t buy into the myth that facials are just for women. [Regarding the male/female subject, I tend to use “she” and “her” to avoid the awkward “he/she” or “him/her.”]
When should someone begin thinking about a specific skin care routine? Is it best to wait until you see a need for it?

Do you think there is anything lacking in the world of skin care today or something that you would like to see happen?
Well, you’ve just touched on one of my soapboxes! I am and always have been a firm believer that we spend too much time on the outside and not enough time on the inside. Let me explain. I may have a client who comes in troubled about some aspect of her skin. It’s not young-looking enough, she may truly be battling severe problems like acne or something else. But many times this person’s lifestyle does not support that which she is seeking. She is trying to fix the outside, the skin, rather than assisting that process by going within. This entails looking at the diet with a lot of scrutiny. It also means fessing up to excesses like sun, sugar, alcohol, and stress.
You can change the outside, but without enhancing that change by strengthening the inside—your internal health—I think it is a waste of time (and money). I advocate doing what you can to feel better about yourself. But please don’t neglect your physical health. Without that, the outside doesn’t matter. I don’t think the skin care industry talks about that enough. It seems to be more interested in proliferating the idea of quick fixes and miracles as a way to healthy skin. I guess I just have a different opinion on how to get there.
What types of results are your clients seeing with your facials?
Most everyone who comes in leaves with healthier skin, skin that reflects light and look clear and bright. Many women find less of a need or a total elimination of foundation especially if they are coming in regularly. I think everyone leaves with a sense of well being about their faces.
The other day a new client came back to get some products. She said that several people in her life had been complimenting her skin—how good it looks. She was ecstatic! She told me that had never happened before and it really made her feel good. This was just a woman who began getting facials and using good products. She didn’t get surgery and didn’t need to change anything dramatically to get the results she wanted: good skin that shows! That is a consistent result from my facials.
Another benefit, not really a result, is education. This above everything else is what I do best. If you want to know about skin care and how to get your skin looking great, my salon is a great place for that. I have been honing my skills since being licensed in skin care in 1985—over 30 years! I don’t have a big salon nor do I do anything other than facials (not even waxing), but this is what works—for me. And my client is the person who is looking to simplify his or her skin care routine and still come out with great skin.
For more information, see:
- My Books
- Axioms for Life
- 10 Reasons to Publish a Book in Your Field—This is an article I wrote after a request from my book printer.