
Tuesday, June 30, 2020

Nails: Fingernail Health Q & A

The following are two of the most frequently asked questions and their answers from my favorite nail professional, Sharon Bayles. This is an excerpt from by second book, Skin Care A to Z.

Why do my nails peel?

Many factors could be to blame for this annoying problem. It’s usually environment or chemical stresses. Your nails are porous, so excessive washing can make them brittle, as mentioned before.

Never use polish removers with acetone (very drying) or polish with sensitizing ingredients like toluene, nitrocellulose or formaldehyde. If your nails have always peeled, you have your parents to thank for that gene! Buffing is an excellent option because it helps to hold the peeling ends together, and it shines like a polish would without the chemicals. Buy a good buffing cream and a chamois buffer and shine away! Note that buffing is great for most nails to diminish ridges and peeling ends, but should be avoided if skin or nail disorders like psoriasis or dermatitis are present.

How can I get my nails to grow?

Having regular manicures by either yourself or a licensed professional is the fastest way to healthy nails. Always incorporate a good massage to your hands and pull on the fingers to tips to get the blood circulating. You will see results with this consistent care. Second, don’t think you have to have talons to have great nails. Be realistic and honest. Most of us know our nail length “limit.” Keeping nails trimmed at or below this limit will eliminate a lot of breakage.

When looking for a manicurist, be sure to find a qualified professional. Ask her how many natural nail manicures she does. This is important because you could get roped into wearing fake nails before you know it. Believe me, this “quick fix” could take your nails years to recover from all the damage. Some damage could even be permanent.

And my last tip is to always wear sunscreen on your hands. In the years to come you’ll thank yourself as you hear your friends complaining about their “spots.”

Thank you, Sharon, for helping to explain the answers to these important questions.

For more information on taking good care of your hands and nails, see:

Monday, June 29, 2020

Yonka moisturizer recommendations: a client’s question

Hi Carolyn! Quick question: I’m still using Yonka’s Optimizer Serum and Cream [aka Optimizer Duo]. Is there any other moisturizer I could use or should try? I still have combination skin, although we’re heading into winter in Chicago. I’m missing the Yonka aromas that I get from other creams in the line! Just thought I’d ask to see if you have any recommendations for other Yonka creams.

One of the many qualities of Yonka-Paris skin care is the amazing aromas. Finding aromatic cremes here is not a problem! Have you ever tried Masque Nº1? I’m thinking you have used it in the past and you didn’t like itis that right? Mask 1 is my favorite cream and has a lovely jasmine aromatic. (This wonderful creme has been “rebranded” and is now called Hydra Nº1 Masque. It is not what I would call identical to Mask 1 but it’s a close 2nd.)

A newer product, Nutri Defense, is also a good winter cream. I have a client with problem skin who is having issues with dehydration and she swears by this cream! This wouldn’t be my go-to product for an oilier skin, but I do recommend it for my true-dry skin clients, especially during a Colorado winter. Even though you have a combination skin type, you might do just fine with Nutri Defense.

Pamplemousse PS is a wonderful grapefruit cream. You might need to add a moisture-boosting elixir like Hydralia (now renamed: Hydra+) to this creme for winter. Pamplemousse PS isn’t as hydrating as other Yonka dry skin creams, but using the glycerin additive can really make this a perfect combination for your combination skin in a dry Chicago winter. 

Vital Defense is a another option. It too might necessitate Hydralia for extra oomph. It is “lighter” than Nutri Defense but you could try it without Hydralia and see if it is hydrating enough. However in the middle of winter you’ll most likely want some extra hydration so having Hydralia on hand is a good idea.

I hope this helps! Yonka truly has so many wonderful moisturizing creams I know one of these will be a good fit—probably more than one! 

For more information, see:

Sunday, June 28, 2020

Timeless Skin (See “BOOKS—MINE & misc”)

Looking for information on Timeless Skin?
See category: BOOKS—MINE & misc

Saturday, June 27, 2020

Skin Care A to Z (See “BOOKS—MINE & misc”)

Looking for information on Skin Care A to Z?
See category: BOOKS—MINE & misc

Friday, June 26, 2020

A nice mention from Jack LaLanne

It’s kind of funny, I wouldn’t have known about this mention in Jack’s book had it not been for a personal trainer friend of mine who sent me these photos. I appreciate the quote(s) and for giving me credit in what I’m sure is a wonderful book by Jack Lalanne, Live Young Forever. In the section where he mentions Timeless Skin, he was discussing tanning beds. How he found my book in his researching information about the ills of this type of sunless tanning I’ll probably never know. But he did, which is great! I do have a lot to say (all negative) about tanning beds.
As you probably heard in the news, Jack passed away in January 2013 at the age of 96. I remember watching his workout show on TV as a kid. It was the only thing of its kind back then and Jack himself was truly one of a kind. Amazingly (for the times) The Jack LaLanne Show ran from 1951-1985. I was watching it in the 60s.

Thank you again for including me in your book, Mr. Lalanne. You were (and still are) an inspiration to many during your long and healthy life!

For more information, see:

Tuesday, June 23, 2020

A goodbye to my book editor, Mel Ann Coley

The following appears in my 2nd book, Skin Care A to Z. What I wrote back then tells the story, so I wont repeat myself...


The day I heard Mel Ann had passed away, I was flooded with memories of our working together. She had been the primary editor for my first two books, and she’d spent perilous hours working with me to get my writing up to both of our high standards. Her excellence, advice, and technical support proved invaluable, and I believe Mel Ann made me a better writer for having worked with her.

When I approached her to edit this [2nd] book, she was unable to accept the job. She had so many projects on her plate as her own career as a writer was starting to take off. My disappointment was no doubt audible as we spoke on the phone, but I hung up thinking I would somehow get through without her. I didn’t put much effort into finding another editor—I really wanted Mel Ann and was in complete denial about her turning down this job.

A few months later I got the call: Mel Ann would be able to edit for me during a break she had coming up in her schedule. I was thrilled and excited, to say the least! Her tireless efforts and attention to detail are once again reflected in the quality of this work.

I am forever indebted to Mel Ann Coley for giving me so much of herself during the editing of Timeless Skin and Skin Care A to Z. To her husband Bryan and her children Rachel and David: God Bless you and all of your family. I know this loss was devastating.

Saturday, June 20, 2020

Quick Tips for The Extras

As I describe in The Extras—Do more to have healthy skin (link below), incorporating a few extra steps on a weekly basis can go a long way to contributing to your skin’s overall health. Following are some quick tips to help you enjoy The Extras even more.

Here are some Quick Tips taken from articles previously published on the subject:
  • Music is an important component when getting into a relaxed state: body and mind. Put soothing music on in the background while you let your clay mask do its job for your skin.
  • To involve your kids and perhaps give them a better understanding of your quiet time, have them draw or paint a creative Do Not Disturb sign for you to hang on the bathroom door.
  • I like to use relaxation time in the bath to say my daily affirmations (prayers). All distractions are gone, and I can concentrate on the words I am reciting. (I do this in the shower too.) See Are you a “Bath Person”? (link below) for information on what to use in your bath along with other helpful tips for making bath-time relaxation time.
  • If you travel, packing an inflatable bath pillow can help you enjoy your bath time while on the road. They are inexpensive (usually under $10) and won’t take up much space in your travel bag. You can do The Extras and take a relaxing bath while the clay mask is doing its magic!

Enlarged Pores: all links so far

enlarged pores

  • What do you recommend: A mask or an exfoliator? And will pore enlargement spread? (upcoming)

Wednesday, June 17, 2020

Aesthetician Carolyn Ash on The Iyanla Show

The beautiful Iyanla Vanzant
The Iyanla Show as I remember the name was short lived, but I was happily asked to do a skin care segment on her show filmed in New York December of 2001. The show is listed on Wikipedia as Iyanla (TV Series 2001-2002).

One of the things I remember about traveling to NYC and taping this show is it was just a few months after 9-11. Although I had lived in Manhattan for more than 7 years as a youth, seeing New York after this dramatic event was shocking to say the least. I traveled down to Ground Zero where a piece of the 2nd tower was still on site. Chilling.

I was on the show for 2 segments and a total of probably 15 minutes. A while back I had the entire show condensed onto a 2-3 minute segment on DVD. Unfortunately, the October 2017 firestorms in Northern California took all my belongings including all of the DVDs of TV appearances I was just starting to put on YouTube. What I did get up is the condensed version but it is not complete and certainly not quality.

Although the quality of this video is rather poor, you can hear me and Iyanla and can understand what is being said, but there is a lot of interference so don’t expect complete audibility. Sorry! CLICK HERE to be taken to this YouTube video.

Monday, June 15, 2020

Sunday, June 14, 2020

Good Morning Texas with guest Carolyn Ash, 1st of two appearances

Good Morning Texas (2000) was the very first TV show I was on to promote my then new (1st) book, Timeless Skin. And was I excited! GMT was nice enough to have me on a 2nd time, sometime a year or so later. Unfortunately most of my TV appearances went up in flamesliterally! My home was involved in the October 2017 Wine Country wildfires.

Luckily, just before the fires I was starting to put my TV shows up on YouTube. So I am thankful I retain some of the many shows I was on, but unfortunately the quality of almost all of these videos is not very high. Still, you can see the younger me, about 40 years old, with my short hair and enthusiastic ambition.

I chuckle when I see this and all the Dallas TV shows I did during 2000-2001. Each time I was told to wear calm colors, no stripes, and nothing loud. I didn’t ever adhere to those recommendations (!). And in each of these shows, except for The Iyanla Show (I relented due to pressure and what I felt was displeasure), I wore not a stitch of makeup. No foundation, nothing. I just felt strongly I wanted to look like what I look like and so I wouldn’t let the makeup artists put anything on me.

This segment ends at 8:52 minutes, although the video goes on (blank) until just after 12 minutes. And, with all of these videos, it is a bit blurry. CLICK HERE to see this video on youtube.

Monday, June 8, 2020

Carolyn Ash interviewed on Good News Broadcast radio

This was a 30 minute radio interview I did with the founder of Good News Broadcast, Paul Sladkus. He was a fun host and asked lots of good questions. Plus he gave me ample room to wax poetic about skin care. Something that is pretty easy for me to do! Since this was recorded sometime after my first book, Timeless Skin, was published, it is from somewhere around the year 2000 or 2001.

The audio is audible, but I’m pretty sure my sweet mom recorded it in her home when I was actually on air. So, it is what it is but I give a lot of good information on this show and I think it’s worth a listen, albeit with the primitive recording.

CLICK HERE to be taken to this interview on YouTube. ENJOY!

You can still go to Paul’s website: and listen towell, good news!

Thursday, June 4, 2020

Yonka—Discontinued: All links so far


  • Discontinued means it is gone forever
  • Discontinued/replaced means there is a replacement product that has similar actions to the one that was discontinued although it is not the same product 
  • Renamed is the same exact product with a new name only

Some of the following products were not discontinued, just rebranded and therefore given a new name. In other words, some are the same products with new names. If a replacement product is available, it either has either a similar makeup or is a completely different product than the one it’s replacing. If a product has simply been renamed, as per Yonka the formulation(s) are identical.

Monday, June 1, 2020

Yonka-Paris Sunscreen SPF 25: DISCONTINUED!

Yes, another product has seen its last days. Both SPF 20 (a wonderful, light-textured, albeit low SPF product great for an oily skin) and SPF 25 have seen their last days. Below is the modified original post that included SPF 50, which is still available. I just took that product out and left the information for SPF 25 in case you want to read about it. I am hopeful Yonka will create some additional sunscreens to their one and only at this time, but it is a wait and see adventure. Now that I am retired, I no longer have access to the professional information I once did as far as what changes and additions will be coming down the pike.

Back in 2012, Yonka revamped several of their products while redressing the line with new packaging. Some of those products that went through an overhaul were their sun products. And if I can say sothankfully! Except in the case of the now discontinued Lait Solaire (oh, how I loved that product, see link below), the former Ultra Protection SPF 25 and SPF 40 sunscreens contained so much titanium dioxide that many of my clients couldnt use these sun products because it made their faces so white, with the titanium dioxide never really absorbing in. Not so with these two sun products. They are quickly and easily absorbed while providing excellent sun protection.

SPF 25 is termed a broad spectrum sun creamYou always want to use sunscreen that is full or broad spectrum, which means it protects against both UVA and UVB rays. Most sunscreens on the market nowadays have both UV filters in them, although this wasnt the case less than a decade ago. Without protecting your skin from both kinds of UV rays, a sunscreen is only doing half its job.

SPF 25 is a light-textured moisturizing sun cream. It is perfect for all skin types and can be used not only on the face but your entire body as well to help keep your skin from burning. As with any and all sun products, if you are going to be exposed for extended periods of time, reapply! (This product replaces Ultra Protection SPF 25.)

Ultra Protection employed titanium dioxide as one of its main sunscreen ingredients. Titanium dioxide, because of its white, chalky nature, made Ultra Protection leave an obvious white tint on the skin, even after it had absorbed. Those of you who experienced this will be happy to know the new SPF 25 does not have this effect! It is a luxurious cream and does not leave the skin looking white. 

Essential ingredients:
  • Fruit extracts, vegetable glycerin, ureaanti-wrinkle, hydrating, renewing
  • Wheat germ and cereal germ oilsnourishing, protecting
  • Soy peptidesregenerating, smoothing
  • Mimosa tenuiflorarestoring, soothing
  • Vitamin Eantioxidant
  • Yonka “Quintessence” (essential oils of lavender, cypress, geranium, and rosemary)—nourishing, balancing, vitalizing
  • Active sunscreen ingredients: 
    • Octocrylene (6%)
    • Oxybenzone (5%)
    • Avobenzone (3%)
    • Ensulizole (3%)
Directions for use:
  • Apply generously before any exposure
  • Reapply at least every 2 hours and after swimming or sweating
  • Concentrate on the areas that are particularly sensitive or are exposed to sunnose, tops of the ears, and shoulders, for instance

If you’re going to be exercising outside, use a waterproof product. If you’re only going to get incidental sun (like to and from your car), a regular, non-waterproof sunscreen will usually be enough.

For more information on protecting your skin in the sun, see: