
Tuesday, July 3, 2018

The BEST Self-Tanner! LAIT AUTO-BRONZANT from Yonka-Paris

In recent years, Yonka has begun changing, in somewhat dramatic fashion, their product line up. Whether it is discontinuing old favorites (so many!) or changing formulations and rebranding products, morphing them into something new and presumably better.

In 2016 they decided to discontinue a favorite product, Auto-Bronzant. When I heard this I wasn’t sure how I was going to break the news to my clients. I had so many of them loving this wonderful self tanning cream.

My update from 2/21/2017 reads:
I just found out today that Yonka has decided to not discontinue this popular product. Since I have already deleted the information page for Auto-Bronzant, I will just leave post this from Yonka headquarters:

The Yonka warehouse has received Auto-Bronzant retail back in stock. After much debate France has agreed to continue to produce the Auto-Bronzant in the retail size. Good news for our partners and clients that enjoy using the product.

Back then, when these changes were ramping up, I would simply delete any article I had on a then discontinued product, something I no longer do and here’s why. Not long, maybe a few months, after Yonka announced Auto-Bronzant would be the next in line to be nixed, they decided (probably because of a loud American uproar!) to not discontinue this very popular product. So now, without further ado, a somewhat different article with similar pieces on the best self tanner: Lait Auto-Bronzant.

From Yonka headquarters: 
LAIT AUTO-BRONZANT is a nourishing, self-tanning milk that hydrates, refreshes and helps create glowing skin without sun exposure. DHA provides self-tanning effects while fruit extracts nourish and enhance the skin's natural radiance. Shea butter promotes cell regeneration to improve the tone and texture of the skin. Auto-Bronzant for the face and body offers a safe, beautiful glow without the harmful effects of the sun. Achieve that golden, summer hue while keeping skin healthy and moisturized.

Exude radiance with this self-tanning milk that gives you a natural, uniform tan in 3 to 4 hours without potentially dangerous sun exposure. Enriched with hydrating fruit extracts and nourishing shea butter, this easy to use sunless bronzing lotion is suitable for all complexion colors and skin types and lends your skin a golden glow. It does not contain sun protection properties and should not be used in place of sunscreen. All throughout the year, the Self-Bronzer for the face Face & Body  and body gives you a natural, perfect and flattering glow a natural-looking, radiant and even flattering glow without exposure to the sun. Ensure all-year tan without sun exposure. Promote hydration of outer layers of skin. A true protective treatment with hydrating, smoothing and nourishing properties.

Key benefits:
  • Hydrates the skin while producing a natural looking tan
  • Lightweight formula gradually enhances over 3-4 hours 
  • Renewed application will deepen and prolong the tanning effect
  • Its fruit extract content helps to promote hydration, 
  • Offers a light sun filtering action and anti-oxidant protection.

For a funny story about Auto-Bronzant, my legs and a golf course incident, click on Do sunless tanning creams really work? below. It will show you how well self tanning products can work and how Yonka’s Auto-Bronzant worked for me specifically.

Essential ingredients:
  • DHA—self-tanning ingredient
  • Vegetable glycerin, passion fruit, lemon—hydrates, repairs
  • Shea butter, karate nut butter, cereal germ oils—repairs, nourishes, protects
  • Rice bran, soy and sunflower oils, vitamin E—antioxidant
    Directions for use:
      Apply Auto-Bronzant evenly over 2 to 3 consecutive days to the body and/or face:
      • Use after makeup removal as well as bath or shower
      • For best result, exfoliate areas (body and face) before application of self tanner
      • Squeeze a quarter size amount into the palm of hand, start from neck up to the forehead, making sure to cover the entire face, feathering into the neck, chest, forehead and ears. 
      • The color will reveal itself after 3 to 4 hours and will last for 3 to 4 days
      • When applying to the face, avoid the hairline and eyebrows
      • Please read the article listed below for more comprehensive and important instruction for using this or any self tanning cream

      As with any and all self-tanning creams, wash your hands immediately after application! If you don’t do this simple step, you will have the tanning dye on your palms—for a while. After using Auto-Bronzant you won’t ever use another product to give yourself the tan of a suntan without the sun.

      For more information, see:

      Monday, June 11, 2018

      My facial experience at “Jane’s Salon”

      Whenever I move to a new city or town, I like to get facials in all the hot spots from those who would soon be my “competitors.” I actually don’t see other aestheticians as competition per se; we are all so individual both in personality and ability along with the products we use and sell, there really is no competition. I suppose if there was a great Yonka aesthetician working in an office next door to me I would have some reservations, but short of that I don’t feel competitive.

      In my quest to do some research, I wanted to get facials from a few big-wigs to see what residents of my new location had been exposed to. I went into my exploration with high hopes—really; I wanted there to be great facials here in town. If for no other reason than I could get regular facials on my off days!

      I’m not going to name names here. My point in publishing this information is not to bash fellow business owners; I want to give you my experiences with different facials—supposedly top notch facials—to show you what can happen even when you are going to the best. This all, of course, is my opinion and my opinion only.

      I have certain likes and dislikes—as a client—going into a facial. And I cannot extricate myself from being an aesthetician when I get facials, either. I offer my clients the types of treatments and education that I personally would want if I was a layperson. Therefore all of this colors my opinions and decisions about what is a good facial and what isn’t. Because of the not naming names, I will call this aesthetician “Jane” from “Jane’s Salon.”

      Jane was knowledgeable and explained everything thoroughly in her broken English. At Jane’s Salon they have add-ons, something I’m not a fan of. I signed up for a particular facial, and with all the add-ons, I could have gone into debt. The extras were $25-$45 to start with. To her credit, Jane didn’t push me into anything, but there is certainly a lot of opportunity to spend big bucks at Jane’s Salon.

      As I have done in other facial critiques, I didn’t write too much about the facial procedure itself in this article, and I wish I had. With this particular facial I had more opinions about how I felt more than what was done—such as:
      • I liked the art mural in the facial room and the robes and slippers that were supplied.
      • I was cold throughout the treatment, even though I did speak up and more blankets were applied.
      • There was a constant and annoying chirping noise, which made it impossible to relax. The noise was coming from one of the facial machines, I was told.

      After the actual treatment was over, a “facial finisher” came into the room to give me a hand massage; perhaps she was an intern. This lady said my skin looked amazing—yet it was dark in the room, as I mentioned to her. “I have a trained eye,” was her response. I inquired about a few ingredients in the products the salon sold, and she got flustered and left the room.

      Over all, it was a sub-par experience. I’d rate it a 4 out of 10—not too good. It was a $99 facial with an additional $30 since I requested Jane herself. $129 total. It was interesting for me as an aesthetician, but disappointing for me and my skin as a client. If I didn’t understand the world of skin care like I do, I think this facial would have been confusing for me. Lots of machines, lots of foreign skin care talk. Oh, well. I’ll keep looking for the next best thing.

      I actually wrote at the beginning of my notes (notes I jot down in my car after a facial treatment—otherwise I’ll forget): “Oy vey! My skin feels like I want to wash it after the facial treatment.” This, unfortunately, is a common experience. I have felt that way after many facials and I have heard from clients feeling the same way. This, by the way, is not how your skin should feel after a facial!

      This salon is right next door to a popular hotel, so I’m sure they get a lot of business from out-of-towners who come in once while they’re in town and never come back to the salon. For the client, I would imagine even if it was a so-so facial, it’s of no major consequence since they probably won’t be back in town to get another treatment any time soon. That doesn’t excuse a sub-par treatment, but it does explain how someone can stay in business.

      For more information, see:

      Friday, June 8, 2018

      Oily skin and frequent cleansing: Good or bad?

      My skin is so oily, I feel like I constantly need to wash my face during the day. Is this good or bad for my skin?

      The answer to your question depends on what you are washing your face with and also why you feel the need to cleanse it throughout the day.

      Washing your face in the morning gets the residue off your skin from the six to eight hours you were asleep. Even though all you were doing was essentially lying in bed all night, you were still eliminating sweat and toxins from the skin—albeit at a reduced rate compared to during the daytime. In order to start the day off right, you want to clean your face, just like you brush your teeth.

      Regarding cleansing at night: you have a whole day’s worth of accumulated toxins—sweat, debris from the air, and possibly makeup. This has sunken into your pores throughout the day, and you definitely want to wash all of it off.

      If in between your morning and evening cleansings you are washing again, you may indeed be washing too much. If you are washing with soap, more than likely it is alkaline, and it will actually strip your skin of all the oil and water, setting up the potential for more oil to be produced by your oil glands to compensate for the loss during cleansing. Can you see how this will immediately set up a vicious cycle? You wash (thinking it is a good thing) yet cause more oil to be produced; so you wash again to get rid of the oil, etc. One of the main things you want to be sure to use is a non-alkaline cleanser. Then hopefully you will not be experiencing the oiliness you are now.

      If you have exercised during the day or for some other reason you have done something that has caused you to sweat, by all means wash your face. But if your skin just feels oily, consider changing your cleanser and continue reading to find out other things you can do to curb the oiliness. Sometimes constant washing, especially if you’re using the wrong type of cleanser (an alkaline one), you can set up a situation that makes your skin oilier.

      Are you using too much moisturizer? Are you not using one at all? Either way, this can cause you to feel oily. If you use too much cream, obviously it is going to sit on your skin, then mix with your own oil from your face, which can cause you to feel greasy and look shiny or oily. If you didn’t put a moisturizer on at all, again, your oil glands may be overcompensating for the lack of oil on the surface of your skin and pumping out more oil to balance things out.

      If you have true oily skin (not oil due to improper products causing oiliness), you want to use a light moisturizer formulated specifically for your skin type. In some cases, moisturizers for oilier skin can help inhibit oil production and even help to break down the oil sitting in your pores. This is especially true for products containing essential oils. They are natural lipid (oil) solvents and help to balance the oil being secreted by your sebaceous (oil) glands.

      Finally, foundation can definitely make your skin look and feel oily by midday. If you do wear foundation, consider switching to powder—loose, not pressed powder. Mineral makeup (see link below) may be a good alternative to foundation as well.

      To summarize, check the pH of your cleanser and make sure you are using something that is non-alkaline or acidic on the pH scale. Don’t use soap; this will simply increase the oiliness of your skin. Be sure to cleanse morning and night, and in between if you have sweated. Don’t use too much cream on your face, but do use some type of moisturizer to help keep your skin from becoming dehydrated. And consider not using foundation or switching to powder.

      For more information, see:

      Saturday, June 2, 2018

      Recently Discontinued Yonka-Paris body products

      Yonka has replaced or rebranded all of the products listed below. For ease, I have added the link to each new product after its discontinued counterpart.

      DISCONTINUED 4/2018:
      Below are the body products in the Yonka line that have recently been discontinued. There is no inventory at headquarters, therefore none of the below can be purchased going forward.
      • Huile Corps Body Oil: A lovely body product fragrant with essential essences and hydrating oils.
      • Lait Corp Body Lotion: A ginseng body cream that for me was always a bit too light and not hydrating enough. Yonka did offer a travel size of Lait Corp, which was nice. Its replacement is LAIT HYDRATANT—regenerating, hydrating body milk.
      • Nutri Protect Hand Cream: This one is a bummer. I loved this hand cream from the day I tried it. And I shared it with so many clients who also will be equally disappointed that it is no longer available. CREME MAINS: Repairing, Comforting Hand Cream is a replacement product now available and equally wonderful, however it is different.

      When I received notice these 3 products had been discontinued, I was also informed that Yonka has a wonderful new body product line that will be launching soon. I have every hope these new products will be improvements in what I have always felt was a weak body product line. Time will tell and I will post articles on these new gems when I have more information.

      For more information, see:

      Thursday, May 31, 2018

      Regarding this blog and its content

      Since I have officially retired from my 33+ year career in skin care (5/2018) and am no longer helping individuals with their skin in a salon setting anymore, I wanted to continue to make as much of the information I have accumulated in that time available to all who seek it.

      Although currently there are over 700 articles published on this blogsite, I still have dozens of articles yet to post. Just because I am not actively working as an aesthetician, I hope my writing continues to help educate you through the articles on this blog. My hands-on experience has been over 3 decades in the making.

      You may notice that some of the blog posts are taken from my two skin care books, Timeless Skin and Skin Care A to Z. There is so much content in those books I thought putting it here might make it more readily available to those of you who haven’t read the books or who don’t even know about them. Because the books were published in 2000 and 2004, I have updated any and all articles as needed.

      Personally, I prefer to have a book in my hands with all the information available at my fingertips. But for some of you, having the separate blog posts may work the same or even better.

      On the right side of the page(s) of this blog are the categories that all of the posts are separated into. This acts like an index of sorts. Hopefully you’ll be able to easily find what you’re looking for. In most cases where there are numerous articles under one category, I have inserted a page that contains all the links that have posted per a subject so far. I hope this helps in terms of being able to easily navigate the blogsite.

      If you’re interested in purchasing one or both of my books, try There are many used copies of Timeless Skin on that site. Since I never officially sold Skin Care A to Z on Amazon, there are fewer copies floating around. Most A to Z books for sale are used library copies. 

      Regardless if you’ve read my books, have been a client in my salons, or you’re simply clicking around this blog to find helpful tidbits, I hope the content I’m supplying will help with whatever skin care problems or questions you have.

      Cheers, and thank you for reading my blog!

      Also see:

      Wednesday, May 30, 2018

      Retirement is Here!


      After 33 years as an aesthetician (24 years as a salon owner):

      I have retired from the skin care industry effective May 2018!
      This past March marked the 24th anniversary of my first Carolyn Ash Skin Care salon and commemorated my 33rd year as a working aesthetician. Now, after over 3 decades in skin care, it’s time to retire.

      To all of my clients: I have loved helping you get through the trials and tribulations of problem skin, aging skin, and even no-problem skin and giving you facial treatments for all of these many years. I have written two (great!) books on the subject, done TV shows and seminars, and now it is time for me to change direction and follow a new path. And although I am leaving the skin care industry, I hope you feel wiser and well-educated in how to care for your skin long-term.

      Along with closing all of my skin care offices, I have also terminated my mail order business, something I have operated for over 20 years. My website ( will remain “up,” however I have taken the shopping area off and no orders can be processed from there. As you can see, the website is a simple one-page announcement of my retirement along with a link to this blogsite.

      Regarding this blog: I have worked for many years getting articles (over 700 and counting!) up on this blog to help you with your skin—with or without me. I still have dozens of articles left to publish, so keep checking in to get my advice. See Regarding this blog and its content (link below) to understand what my plan has been and is for continuing this blog—and for you!

      THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU for making my long career fruitful, exciting, and rewarding beyond my dreams. I wish you all the best of health—mind, body, and skin!

      With deep love and appreciation for my wonderful clients and readers through all of these years,

      BE WELL,
      :+) Carolyn.

      For more information, see:

      Monday, January 22, 2018

      “I have rosacea—can I still get a facial? And should I?”

      I am interested in finding an aesthetician, however, I have rosacea. Could you please tell me how you would treat this if I came in for a facial. 

      This potential client has a very good question. And kudos to her for asking first before she booked an appointment. I initially emailed her back and requested a phone conversation. A question like hers is not so easy to answer in a concise manner. Nor did I want to do a cold email vs. having a conversation with her. Obviously she is concerned about how a potential facial professional is going to treat her skin, and I knew if I had an opportunity to actually talk with her I could ease any concerns she had.

      One of her first questions is if I would use microdermabrasion on her skin. Apparently she had been to several aestheticians who (mistakenly) thought microderm and rosacea were a good combination. I explained I didn’t have microdermabrasion available, and if I did I certainly wouldn’t use it on a person with rosacea. Nor do I have a steam machine andagainthat would never be recommended for rosacea or in my opinion anyone. Steam produces heat, heat is not good for redness and/or rosacea.

      In my facial, there are certain products I won’t use if I have a client with rosacea. Instead of the citrus gel peel I have (Yonka’s Gommage 303), I use one with stinging nettle and other ingredients meant to soothe redness (Gommage 305)*. There are a few mild liquid peels that I won’t put directly on the affected areas where the rosacea is located (Yonka’s MicroPeel and Alpha Exfoliator).

      I have several clients with rosacea who come in for regular monthly facials without any problems. If you have rosacea, you can carry on a regular skin care treatment schedule; you just want to take extra care to make sure where you get your facials is helping to calm your skin down rather than causing flare-ups.
      *Yonka has discontinued Gommage 303 and rebranded 305, which is now called Gommage Yonka and is the only gommage in the Yonka line now.

      As I was explaining how I would treat her skin, I mentioned that in my experience 98% of rosacea clients leave my office looking less red with diminished inflammation. However, there is that remaining 2%. Once in a great while someone with severe redenss or rosacea will have an adverse reaction to the facialas gentle as it is. I wanted to “warn her just in case she was in this small percentile. Although she appreciated the heads up, she and I both felt that since she had had many facials in the past without a worsening of her redness, it was unlikely to happen in her facial with me.

      The products I’ve used for over 30 years (Yonka-Paris) are great for even the most sensitive of skins. Contrary to what some think (perhaps people without firsthand experience), essential oils are great for redness and sensitivity. Paula Begoun and others think they cause redness, which they can, but that is not true for all essential oils. In the hands of smart manufacturers and knowledgeable aestheticians essential oils can help with all kinds of skin sensitivities. As you’ll learn from other articles on this blog, in less concentrated forms, essential oils are very soothing for redness as well as being anti-inflammatory agents.

      Bottom line: If you have a skin condition, whether it is rosacea, breakout or another issue youre concerned about, please do as this lady did and contact a potential practitioner and ask questions! I always appreciate a prospective client coming to me with their concerns. UsuallyalwaysI can allay their fears and give them information that will help them make the decision to give my facial a try. And usuallyalwaysthey are happy with the results!

      For more information, see:

      Friday, January 19, 2018

      Hair removal Q & A

      I have hair above and below my lip and on my chin—yuck! I use a cream remover from Sally Hansen® right now. What do you think?

      Instead of using a depilatory cream on your sensitive upper lip area, I recommend trying to lighten that hair with a facial bleaching cream. If the hair bothers you and dying it is not an option, as long as this depilatory cream doesn’t cause irritation on your upper lip (or chin), I guess that is the best option for you. Getting waxed is, of course, a very common practice, but I would use the depilatory cream before I would have those places waxed.

      If the hair is really something that bothers you and needs constant attention, you may want to research getting either electrolysis or laser hair removal to eliminate the hair altogether. These are sometimes painful and expensive procedures, but either one can alleviate the need to be concerned about removing the hair once it is permanently removed.

      Remember this important point: If you use a depilatory cream or wax the area, you will be taking off all the hair in that area, not just the hair you are concerned with—just like when you shave. In the waxing link below, I give more information on why you may not want to take this route for hair removal.

      For more information, see:

      Tuesday, January 16, 2018

      Ageless or age less?

      I ♥ Helen Mirren! A true example of aging gracefullyand beautifully
      Ageless or age less?

      Depending on where your head is at, you will look at these words and interpret them very differently. You may see the word ageless, and you might see the words age less. Which type are you?

      It’s like the famous young lady/old woman perceptual illusionwhere you are shown a picture and the brain switches (or can) from seeing two different women. Some people initially see an old woman’s face with a large bulbous nose. But other viewers see the profile of a much younger, beautiful woman wearing a hat. The picture can mean something different depending on the viewer’s interpretation. And so do the words age and less.

      Put together, these two words form a philosophy and a concept of timelessness. It is a graceful term and is truly without ending. Ageless connotes quality and has an almost regalness to it. The words age and less convey the pervasive thought-form of society today. Age less could be the headline in a newspaper article or magazine. Age less could be a new scientific breakthrough to help you defy the effects of time. With ageless there is no time, just beauty.

      Take a look and determine how you see and use these words: age and less. I prefer to live my life with ageless beauty vs. trying to age less. It’s semantics, just words, but it can have an impact on your life philosophy and world view.

      For more information, see:

      Saturday, January 13, 2018

      Facial steamers & your skin

      I’m using a facial steamer daily to help clear up congestion, and I’m somewhat concerned about what 15 minutes of facial steaming a day might be doing to my skin.

      I have been giving facials and taking care of my client’s skin for over 30 years. I have many clients who have asked me the same question. My main problem with these at-home steamers is they require your face to be fairly close to the machine, similar to steaming over a hot pot of water. Because of this close proximity mixed with the heat of the steam, you can cause capillary damage very easily. Using these steamers daily—just don’t do it! Use only once a week if you must.

      At-home facial steamers may seem like a great item to have around the house, but my recommendations are this: If you have to use it, put a clay mask on your face and then steam (never steam a bare face), or sell it in your next garage sale.

      For more information, see:

      Wednesday, January 10, 2018

      Yonka’s CREME TEINTEE—tinted suncream: DISCONTINUED

      Im not quite sure how I missed this one, but November 2017 Yonka discontinued Creme Teintee. This product joins many that were taken out of the Yonka-Paris skin care line in 2017. I didnt have a lot of clients using this tinted moisturizer, but I did have some who loved it. Like it or not, its time to say goodbye to yet another Yonka product. As of right now, there is no replacement for Creme Teintee.

      CREME TEINTEE is a cream that provides a “natural tan.This smooth day cream with natural pigments provides 2-in-1 action: hydrating the epidermis (outer skin) as well as protecting it from low levels of damaging sunlight. Finally, Creme Teintee leaves the complexion glowing with a beautiful golden hue.

      Creme Teintee blocks the most harmful UV rays and guards against free radical damage with a powerful antioxidant trio (vitamins A, C, and E). Used over your hydrating cream for normal to dry skin types or as your moisturizer if you have oilier skin, Creme Teintee is a wonderful alternative to foundationleaving your skin hydrated with a sun-kissed glow.

      Here is a comment from one of my clients who has used this product for many years:

      I love this product! It gives me a bit of a sun-kissed healthy color without the damage of the sun. (This is especially helpful in Chicago, where it is overcast 6 months of the year.) I have been using Creme Teintee every morning for about 10 years. It allows me to skip foundation on all but the most fancy of events.

      When Yonka announced it was going to discontinue this product, I asked Carolyn to set aside as much of it as she could. I was thrilled when they decided not to pull Creme Teintee, as it is part of my daily Yonka regimen. [After rumors of this product being discontinued, Yonka halted that process—then decided to take it out after all.]

      Essential ingredients:
      • Pumpkin seed oil, cereal germ oil, beeswax, UVB filter—nourishing, protecting 
      • Vitamins A, C, and E—antioxidants that are repairing and help to prevent free radical damage
      • Yonka “Quintessence (essential oils of thyme, lavender, cypress, geranium, and rosemary)—vitalizing
      Directions for use:
      • In the morning after cleansing and toning
      • Apply CREME TEINTEE as your day cream or if you have a drier skin type, apply over your chosen moisturizer. It’s tinted, so it will give your skin an immediate glow
      • For optimum results, use Gommage 303 or 305 once or twice a week before using Creme Teintee

      Please be advised that Creme Teintee should not take the place of your regular sunscreen if you are going to be in the sun for any appreciable amount of time. This product does provide UVB protection, but not enough for long-term sun exposure. See link below for other products in the Yonka line with SPF.

      For more information, see:

      Sunday, January 7, 2018

      Yonka’s CREME 11 is leaving—please, hand me a Kleenex

      DISCONTINUTED 2/2018:
      OK, this is getting out of hand!!! Having been a representative for Yonka-Paris for over 3 decades, I find it disappointing to find out so many of these wonderful product are being removed. I just posted the discontinuation of Creme 83. Now Creme 11 is about the bite the dust.

      Not only will it not be sold in the retail arena, it will no longer be available to aestheticians to use in facials. This cream, for me as a professional, is a must-have—absolutely. To be without Creme 11 when someone comes to see me who has rosacea, redness, sensitivity of any kind—I just can’t imagine not having this wonderful creme to help ease their symtoms.

      Yonka does have a new replacement product coming out in February 2018. It is not available for us to try yet, but as soon as I can get a hold of some, I will give it a go and let you know my thoughts.

      Yonka is changing so fast and furiously it leaves me speechless. So many cremes that have been top sellers for decades have now been discontinued and are gone. Because for so long Yonka hasn’t made any changes to the line, I have felt content and secure in my ability to recommend at-home products as well as treat different conditions in my facial room. I can only hope the replacement for Creme 11 (and Creme 83, another effective sensitive skin cream that was recently taken out of the lineup) is as wonderful if not better than these two creams.

      I admit, I don’t love many of the replacement products Yonka has come up with. They are pricey compared to the creams they are replacing; I’ll assume the same will be true with the new sensitive skin product(s)—83 and 11 were both in the mid-$50 range. The newer creams from Yonka have many “advanced” ingredients, which does raise the price of manufacturing, however the older versions have been just wonderful for over 30 years.

      I will leave the following original post in its entirety to commemorate Creme 11. I just don’t want to erase what I have said about it—yet.

      Yonka has come out with a new replacement for Creme 11: Sensitive Masque. Don’t get me started on this horrible name change! Click below to be taken to that product page.

      Yonka’s CREME 11—for redness & sensitivity is a wonderful cream for anyone who has sensitive skin, couperose, and even rosacea. All of those skin conditions will generally have redness, something Creme 11 is effective against.

      Whenever I meet a new client who has any of the above, I sample Creme 11. It is usually only a matter of days before I hear from the person wanting to come and pick up a tube of this soothing, anti-redness cream.

      I highly recommend Creme 11 if you have redness, rosacea, if you’re sensitive to many or all products; I have had great success with this cream. It is best for normal to dry or true-dry skin. (Usually if someone has oily or problem skin—even if its red and sensitive—Creme 15 would be a better choice for them.) Here is a glowing recommendation from a 66-year-old client of mine who just started using this cream to help with sensitivity and redness:

      Creme 11 is FANTASTIC. My skin has never been happier or looked better! I never want to be without it. Thank you!

      Essential ingredients:
      • Chamomile, arnica, yarrow, German chamomile, horse chestnut, hamamelis, mallow—soothing, calming
      • Cereal germ oils—nourishing
      • St. John’s Wort, horsetail extract (rich in silicon)—regenerating
      • Yonka Quintessence (essential oils of thyme, lavender, cypress, geranium, and rosemary)—balancing
      Directions for use:

      In the *morning and/or evening: 
      • After cleansing and spraying on Yonka Lotion toner 
      • Apply a pea-sized dollop of CREME 11 over face and neck 
      • Then use eye cream

      *Although labeled a “night cream,” I have several clients who use Creme 11 morning and evening. I’m not a stickler (or true believer) in day creams being used only for day and night creams only for night. Some people only can afford or simply only want to use one cream morning and night. And in the case of Creme 11, sometimes I want a client with very sensitive skin to use this cream both day and night so their skin can get the anti-inflammatory, healing, and balancing attributes of this cream 24/7.  

      For more information, see: