
Sunday, January 7, 2018

Yonka’s CREME 11 is leaving—please, hand me a Kleenex

OK, this is getting out of hand!!! Having been a representative for Yonka-Paris for over 3 decades, I find it disappointing to find out so many of these wonderful product are being removed. I just posted the discontinuation of Creme 83. Now Creme 11 is about the bite the dust.

Not only will it not be sold in the retail arena, it will no longer be available to aestheticians to use in facials. This cream, for me as a professional, is a must-have—absolutely. To be without Creme 11 when someone comes to see me who has rosacea, redness, sensitivity of any kind—I just can’t imagine not having this wonderful creme to help ease their symtoms.

Yonka does have a new replacement product coming out in February 2018. It is not available for us to try yet, but as soon as I can get a hold of some, I will give it a go and let you know my thoughts.

Yonka is changing so fast and furiously it leaves me speechless. So many cremes that have been top sellers for decades have now been discontinued and are gone. Because for so long Yonka hasn’t made any changes to the line, I have felt content and secure in my ability to recommend at-home products as well as treat different conditions in my facial room. I can only hope the replacement for Creme 11 (and Creme 83, another effective sensitive skin cream that was recently taken out of the lineup) is as wonderful if not better than these two creams.

I admit, I don’t love many of the replacement products Yonka has come up with. They are pricey compared to the creams they are replacing; I’ll assume the same will be true with the new sensitive skin product(s)—83 and 11 were both in the mid-$50 range. The newer creams from Yonka have many “advanced” ingredients, which does raise the price of manufacturing, however the older versions have been just wonderful for over 30 years.

I will leave the following original post in its entirety to commemorate Creme 11. I just don’t want to erase what I have said about it—yet.

Yonka has come out with a new replacement for Creme 11: Sensitive Masque. Don’t get me started on this horrible name change! Click below to be taken to that product page.

Yonka’s CREME 11—for redness & sensitivity is a wonderful cream for anyone who has sensitive skin, couperose, and even rosacea. All of those skin conditions will generally have redness, something Creme 11 is effective against.

Whenever I meet a new client who has any of the above, I sample Creme 11. It is usually only a matter of days before I hear from the person wanting to come and pick up a tube of this soothing, anti-redness cream.

I highly recommend Creme 11 if you have redness, rosacea, if you’re sensitive to many or all products; I have had great success with this cream. It is best for normal to dry or true-dry skin. (Usually if someone has oily or problem skin—even if its red and sensitive—Creme 15 would be a better choice for them.) Here is a glowing recommendation from a 66-year-old client of mine who just started using this cream to help with sensitivity and redness:

Creme 11 is FANTASTIC. My skin has never been happier or looked better! I never want to be without it. Thank you!

Essential ingredients:
  • Chamomile, arnica, yarrow, German chamomile, horse chestnut, hamamelis, mallow—soothing, calming
  • Cereal germ oils—nourishing
  • St. John’s Wort, horsetail extract (rich in silicon)—regenerating
  • Yonka Quintessence (essential oils of thyme, lavender, cypress, geranium, and rosemary)—balancing
Directions for use:

In the *morning and/or evening: 
  • After cleansing and spraying on Yonka Lotion toner 
  • Apply a pea-sized dollop of CREME 11 over face and neck 
  • Then use eye cream

*Although labeled a “night cream,” I have several clients who use Creme 11 morning and evening. I’m not a stickler (or true believer) in day creams being used only for day and night creams only for night. Some people only can afford or simply only want to use one cream morning and night. And in the case of Creme 11, sometimes I want a client with very sensitive skin to use this cream both day and night so their skin can get the anti-inflammatory, healing, and balancing attributes of this cream 24/7.  

For more information, see: