
Sunday, July 30, 2017

Yonka’s CREME 155—slimming body sport cream

From Yonka headquarters:
CREME 155 is a comprehensive slimming regimen to trim the silhouette by contouring fatty tissue and alleviating water retention. It improves blood circulation, reduces tissue pressure, and prevents “spider veins.” This multi-active balm and strongly scented massage cream contributes to reshape the figure by acting on localized fatty deposits that are sensitive to the touch.

If you are concerned with edema (water retention) and/or cellulite, give Creme 155 a try. As with any and all anti-cellulite type creams and treatments, this cream can only do so much. Adipose tissue (fat) is important to the functioning of the body as a whole, so it is not designed to be completely eliminatednor should it. But using Creme 155 can help relieve edema and in some cases excesses of fatty buildup in the tissue.

Essential ingredients:
  • Maritime pine and burdock—slims and fights cellulite
  • Climbing ivy essential oil—reduces tissue pressure
  • Nutmeg—oxidizes fat
  • Capsicum—increases microcirculation
  • Cedar—reduces localized hypersensitivity
  • Yonka “Quintessence (essential oils of thyme, lavender, cypress, geranium, and rosemary essential oils)—nourish and balance skin
Directions for use:
  • Apply the cream morning and/or night:
  • After the shower or bath
  • Apply on slightly damp skin
  • Concentrate on the areas of concern
  • For a strengthened slimming effect, alternate with Creme 55
  • For slimming: Massage Creme 155 morning and evening into damp skin
  • For swollen legs: Morning use Creme 55 into damp skin. Evening use Phyto 152
  • For stretch marks, pregnancy, weight fluctuations: Starting from the first month of pregnancy, apply Creme 55 alone or mixed with Huile Corps daily over the abdomen and hips
  • For exercise relief: Before and after exercise, apply Creme 155 alone or mixed with Huile Corps

Huile Corps or Emulsion Concentrate may be applied over the cremes to intensify their action

For more information, see:

Thursday, July 27, 2017

Steam Rooms, Saunas & Your Skin

How often would you recommend using the sauna and steam rooms at my health club? Also, what are your thoughts about using both the steam and sauna on the same day at the club?

Amenities in health clubs are highly sought after extras. Who doesnt like to dip in the whirlpool or jump into the steam room after a hard workout at the gym? There are two things to keep in mind when enjoying steam rooms and/or saunas:
  • First, you will sweat—a lot—so youll need to drink a lot of water while you are in the steam room or sauna. That means youll want to bring water in with you, otherwise youll run the risk of internal dehydration, and that is never a good thing.
  • Second: You dont want your bare face to be exposed to the extreme heat of these amenities. Why not? The capillaries of the face are too fragile to hold up to the heat. They can and will expand (dilate), which causes the potential for breakage. So what do you do? Use a clay mask! I often talk about using clay masks and the need to keep them moist while they are on your face. (You dont want clay to dry on your face; it dries your skin out.) So, going into a steam room or sauna is actually a great application for using a clay mask. Apply the clay mask, grab your water bottle, and enjoy this relaxing luxury.

It is recommended that you switch from hot to cold when utilizing steam and saunas. Some health clubs supply a cold plunge, which is a small pool of very cold water that you literally plunge into. Its so cold you really have to force your body in there! If no cold plunge is available, it is advisable after 10 minutes or so of either steam or sauna to then go under a very cold shower to cool off your body. Then you can once again go into the heat, and repeat with cold. You do not, however, want either hot or cold water on your face. If you have applied a clay mask, then you dont have to worry about it.

If you want to use both steam and sauna, alternating, I dont know why you couldnt, except you must do the cold water as well. You dont want to subject your body to hot, then hot, then hot, without adding cold in between.

I dont know how often you want to use these amenities. But any more than 3 or 4 times a week seems excessive to me. And dont do them at all if you are not willing to drink a lot of water during and after steaming/sauna.

A final note: as mentioned above, it would be much better for the skin on your face to be protected from the heat vs. going into a steam room or sauna like the ladies in these two photosbarefaced.

For more information, see:

Monday, July 24, 2017

Witch Hazel: Good for skin?

A client asked me if witch hazel was OK to use as her toner. I asked what her experience was when she used it, and she said it really dried her skin out. She would have to quickly put her moisturizer on afterwards because her skin felt so dried out. Her experience is also her answer. Drying out the surface skin is not an ideal outcome, so I wouldn’t recommend using witch hazel. As you know, drying the skin out is counterproductive and not conducive to healthy skin.

The type of witch hazel you find (very inexpensively) at any grocery or drug store is actually witch hazel water. It has been distilled and stripped of all the benefits of the natural herb. I do not recommend using witch hazel water on your skin as a toner. Although it is primarily water, it contains as much as 15% ethanol alcohol, which is the bad type of alcohol.

The herb witch hazel can be very beneficial. The extracts from the leaves and bark of the hamamelis virginiana plant have anti-inflammatory and wound healing properties. So, as an ingredient in a skin care product, witch hazel is probably going to be OK, but I don’t recommend using it straight on your face as a toner.

For more information, see:

Friday, July 21, 2017

Hair Removal Options: Laser hair removal

Please first read Thoughts about Hair Removal Options for some important preliminary information.

Laser hair removal is yet another technique to get rid of unwanted hair. Laser technology is changing rapidly; what is available today will surely be improved as time goes by. For instance, until recently this laser technique wasn’t effective on light-colored hair. Now, with advances in this technology, light hair can be removed.

During this procedure, a laser emits a pulse of light that is absorbed by melanin (the pigment in your skin) deep within the hair shaft, effectively destroying the follicle, making hair growth cease.

Because heat given off by the laser is coming in contact with your skin, there is a chance of scarring. Be sure you are going to a qualified laser hair removal technician (whether a doctor or a hair removal specialist), otherwise you may be left with undesirable side effects. And as I always recommend: ask questions! If you don’t feel satisfied with the answers, I’d find someone else to do this procedure.

There are not universal results from laser hair removal. Some people have great results (see emails below), while others are left disappointed, expecting to have no hair left after as much as a year of hair removal sessions. Some people go through just a few sessions and are completely satisfied. No hair removal system is truly permanent, but surely you will have less hair than when you started, and hopefully even better results than that. 

Laser hair removal is the best thing I’ve ever done! I have my chin, bikini, and armpits lasered. I recommend this to everyone I know. After just two appointments my skin is so much softer, and I hardly have to shave anything. (I purchased a package of six sessions per area.) I have to take some ibuprofen one hour before I go because the “zaps” [from the laser] can sting. However, there are no side effectsat least not for me.
I had the hair lasered from my legs and under my arms. I am thrilled with the results! I would definitely recommend getting it done. For me, it wasn’t painful at all, and there were no side effects. Granted, 100% of the hair isn’t gone, but what’s left is hardly visible.

For more information, see:

Tuesday, July 18, 2017

Sun-Damaged Skin explained

What is sun-damaged skin? Sun-damaged skin isn’t so much a skin type as it is the outcome of long-term overexposure to the sun. This sort of skin usually comes on a type of person—the outdoors type.

Sun-damaged skin is characterized by rough, dried-out skin with a lot of deep wrinkles. The epidermis or outer skin tends to be thickened (a natural, protective response to sun exposure), and there is usually significant loss of elasticity or “firmness” to the skin. Your skin becomes what is technically termed flaccid. Deep, often premature wrinkles are present along with noticeable capillary damage. Many times sun-damaged skin has a leathered look and almost always is sporting a continuous tan.

Sometimes sun-damaged skin isn’t currently tan. Although excessive sun exposure may have stopped, prematurely wrinkled and flaccid skin may have already occurred from damage acquired years ago. This is what cumulative, long-term damage can mean. Long after you have stayed out of the sun, the effects of overexposure still creep into your life, showing up not only in the form of lines, wrinkles, and loose skin, but also with the potential for skin cancer or precancerous growths as well.

Why is it sun damaged? The one and only explanation for sun-damaged skin is sun. Continual, long-term exposure is what causes sun-damaged skin. And depending on your skin and how sensitive you are to UV rays, sun damage can occur with less than long-term exposure.

What to use on sun-damaged skin. You want to treat the oil or lack of oil in your skin first and foremost. If you have truly sun-damaged skin, there isn’t anything—short of invasive procedures—to reduce or eliminate the damage. Is your skin oily? Couperose? Sensitive? Deciding what other skin conditions you have, coupled with sun damage, will be the determining factors for what is best to use on your skin.

There are no quick fixes for a lifetime spent in the sun. You can help to stop further damage by avoiding direct sunlight and always wearing sunscreen and a hat. Just remember, it’s never too late to start taking care of your skin—no matter what condition it is in.

For more information, see:

Saturday, July 15, 2017

Plastic Surgery—do your homework

What is plastic surgery?

Plastic or cosmetic surgery is defined as an operation that reconstructs an aspect of your body into a new and different form. The term plastic comes from the Greek word plastikos meaning to mold or give form to. Cosmetic surgery is elective, nonessential surgery. These are operations you choose to undergo to correct, add to, or reduce aspects of yourself that you are dissatisfied with.

There are two main things I have to say about cosmetic surgery. First, get more than one opinion. Many books recommend getting at least three opinions before you let someone cut on your face (or body). Next, I highly recommend consulting a nutritionist, even if your plastic surgeon doesn’t suggest you do so, to get a good vitamin and mineral program started before you have surgery. This will give you a better chance of recovery and possibly lessen scarring.

I have seen a lot of plastic surgery in my practice. Many clients ask who I would recommend as a good plastic surgeon. I explain it is not only the choice of surgeon that affects the outcome of surgery; it is first and foremost your body and how well it repairs itself. Do you tend to scar easily, or do you recover from wounds rapidly without noticeable scarring? Everyone’s body heals differently. How healthy you are and how you heal will greatly affect how good your surgery will look.

Finding a skilled surgeon (an artist) is the second part to the “best outcome” equation. Get referrals from friends and go to several doctors before you decide on “the one.” Make sure the doctors you see are members of the American Board of Plastic Surgery. This is not to be confused with the American Board of Cosmetic Surgery.

According to Arthur W. Perry, M.D., in his book Are You Considering Cosmetic Surgery, “The American Board of Cosmetic Surgery is a self-designated board. Its membership is open to doctors who practice cosmetic surgery but do not necessarily have the qualifications for membership in the American Board of Plastic Surgery.” There are many doctors performing plastic surgery who are not members of this prestigious society. I have heard over and over again that this is the first criteria you want to look for in a doctor for cosmetic surgery. (Perry’s book is older, but a good one nonetheless.)

For most procedures you will be under general anesthesia. My recommendation would be to make sure your body is in tip-top shape so you will be strong and healthy and have the best chance for optimum recovery. This area of pre-op and post-op nutrition is rarely if ever addressed. Sometimes in life you have to take matters into your own hands. In this instance, I recommend you do so. Why not go the extra mile if it could mean a better experience and recovery from surgery?

Deciding to have plastic surgery isn’t a good thing or a bad thing, it is simply personal preference. As I’ve written in many of my anti-aging/aging with grace articles, if you continually notice a so-called flaw—day after day—it inevitably begs to be changed. Many times this is the case with wanting plastic surgery. You see something “wrong” with your face and feel compelled to change it. Plastic surgery will certainly do the job. Please pleasedo your homework!

Just as a side note: Whenever you need to have a cancerous growth removed from your face, I recommend going to a plastic surgeon. They will almost always do a better job aesthetically with any incisions that need to be made and therefore your chances of having a “good” scar on your face improves dramatically.  

For more information, see:

Wednesday, July 12, 2017

Hair products and skin irritation

I have noticed that certain hair products seem to irritate my skin. Do you recommend a certain type of conditioner? I have really long hair so I have to use lots of product in it every day. I try to keep it off my face, but I noticed recently that a new conditioner I was trying has aggravated my face. Any recommendations?

One recommendation is to really rinse the conditioner out of your hair before you leave the shower. I realize you are using it to soften and probably detangle your hair, but just the excess product left on your hair might be a big contributor to your problems.

If you are using something that you know is aggravating your skin, of course stop using it. If you can, go back to products that didn’t bother your skin, even though they might not be as effective for your hair. It may be a trade-off; you’ll have to decide which you’d rather have, clear skin or more manageable hair.

For more information, see:

Tuesday, July 11, 2017

Quality of Life—my Quincy Blu

I wrote this piece for myself really, the day before I put my dog to sleep. I needed to speak the truth of his health, because to the outside world I think he looked pretty good. Perhaps it was my imagination, but when I announced to my dog park friends that I would be putting him down on such and such day, many of them gave me a look like—really? He seems fine. Why are you doing this? Like I said, maybe it was my imagination, but I got this feeling from many of the people I told. So the following is me justifying what I did, now 2 years later and upon reflection, realizing that perhaps I could have put him to sleep sooner. To end his pain a little earlier.

Its been an interesting road, letting people know I am putting my dog down in a few days. Its interesting how I am reacting to their reactions. If I was in complete knowingunshakably sothat I was “doing the right thing and even tougher at the “right time, I wouldnt let what other people may be thinking get into my head. And are they even thinking anything?

My dog, on the outsidewhen outsideseems to be old, slow, and still mobile. He still sniffs around, digs for slugs in the grass, and even trots around and rolls on the grass most days. To the outside world, he may look like he has a pretty good quality of life. But, alas, his quality of life is severely diminished and steadily going down hill every day. I have this information because I am with this sweet being just about 24/7, 365. I know him and he knows me. I know his quirks and foibles, his silliness and his state of health.

I have been to the vets office time after time over the years, and especially a lot lately. I know the injuries hes had, the medications he is or has been on. I know how he feels if even only a little bit. I know this dog better than anyone else in the entire worldbetter than everyone. And I know this dog is better off going to sleep forever starting tomorrow afternoon vs. living the life his is currently living. As for the quality of his life now, here is what I know:
  • He cant drink enough water to satisfy his kidneys. (He was diagnosed with kidney failureexactly one month ago.)
  • Therefore he has to pee a lot more and a lot more frequently than ever before.
  • Peeing involves going down then up about 15 stairs; something that has never been easy for him and now is super difficult. Sometimes resulting in him falling down backwards as he is making his way up. (Tonight he fell on his way down...)
  • Speaking of falling down, I cant count the number of face-plants he has experienced just in the past week. They are becoming more and more frequent as the days roll by.
  • Up until recently I couldnt get him to eat very much. He stopped eating his kibble a month or more ago. Wet foodno. He wont eat anything other than a grilled chicken breast and mini Milano cookies and some dog cookies.
  • I have been giving him subcutaneous fluids daily for the past several weeks. Trying to keep his kidneys happy and his system detoxified.
  • Recently, when I go to put the needle in to administer the sub-Qs, he looks at me as if to say, “Please dont poke me! Today, since he will be going “home tomorrow, I will not poke him.
  • He can no longer get up on his couch. I put a dog bed next to it in the living room.
  • He can no longer jump in the bottom part of the car. I lift his front legs in first, then his back. And usually he can make it up onto the seat, although not gracefully and sadly not all the time. Falling for him has become a daily occurrence.
  • He sleeps a lot now. More than ever before. And it is deep, deep sleep. The kind where the skin over his eyes shows and he cant hear me when I move or get up.
  • His hearing has been waning for monthsif not a full year now.
  • His eyesight has never been very good at night and now if Im too far away he cant see me and gets a bit frantic.
  • He seems like he is losing control of his limbs. He mostly walks like hes tipsy and sometimes like hes drunk.
  • The mornings are pretty good, for the first few minutes anyway. By the end of the day its just sleeping and sleeping and that deep deep sleeping.
  • When I come over to him he makes noises almost like snoring, but hes fully awake. I sometimes think he is talking to me. Telling me, heyits time to let me go. Ill still be with youalways.
  • The diarrhea has almost stopped; it went on for weeks and weeks. Emergency runs out the door, and diarrhea-ing everywhere he needed to.
  • The throwing up has all but stopped. Altho every now and then Ill find one.
  • He now has two peri-anal fistulas—open sores that are painful and ooze puss every day. He licks at them incessantly, poor guy. I do what I can to clean and attend to them and have for many months. 
I dont know. Is his quality of life great? No. Is it poor. I would say it is no where near optimal and getting worse every day. He is ready. I am ready to let him go. He, I have no doubt, is ready to go. To sleep, pain-free, till the end of time.

For more articles on this sweet pup, see:

Monday, July 3, 2017

Sun Exposure & Skin Cancer: It all adds up!

I was standing at the counter of my dermatologist’s office, paying the bill for a mole check. Next to me was an older gentleman, probably around 65 or 70 years old. I assumed he had skin cancer because he was having Mohs’ Surgery, which removes malignant (cancerous) growths. After a few minutes, another gentleman walked through the door who I guessed had skin cancer too because half of his face was covered with a bandage, and he didn’t have an appropriate bulge for a nose.

These two gentlemen apparently knew each other, as they said, “Hey, Charlie,” and “Hi, Jack.” The image I got was of two golfing buddies who had spent their youth throughout adulthood out in the sun, unconscious of the disastrous effects of all that (probably unprotected) sun exposure. And now, years later, here they are as older men, both at the dermatologist’s office, and both having cancers removed from their faces. This is a sad story, but more disheartening because it is a common one.

“I never get in the sun.” Usually I hear this in my treatment room when I’m asking a client about sun exposure. Many times I’m asking because I see the signs of overexposure. True, I may see sun damage on a client’s skin long after he or she has stopped baking in the sun. But to say you never get in the sun is untrue.

Each and every time you walk outside you are getting sun. Sun exposure is accumulated from birth, so every hour, every minute, every second is adding up on your sun exposure report card. Why am I being so adamant about this seemingly picky detail? Because if you are not aware of how much sun you are getting, you are not going to be as careful as you need to be.

Hyperpigmentation is a big reason for being truthful about the incidental sun you’re getting, but may not be acknowledging. Hyperpigmentation comes in the form of dark spots on your face (or anywhere) that some people describe as blotchiness or uneven coloring.

As harmless as it may seem, even small amounts of sun exposure do add up. And that is why when a client is bewildered because dark spots have appeared on her face while she claims to “not have been in the sun,” I go into my speech saying the only place you are not getting sun is inside (four walls and a ceiling), away from a window.

Obviously hyperpigmentation is not the only problem sun exposure produces. The most obvious and sometimes fatal condition is, of course, skin cancer. You (we) must start now or continue to aggressively protect your face and body from sun exposure.

Even sunscreens are no match for the powerful rays of the sun. They are helpful but not foolproof, and are truly only meant to keep your skin from burning in the sun. Wear hats whenever possible, sunscreen always, and enjoy being out in the sun—protected. Don’t become one of these gentlemen at the being of this article. Protect your skin now and always!

For more information, see: