
Saturday, April 29, 2017

Skin sensitivity and a possible allergic reaction to products: what to do

I’m wondering if my skin is too sensitive for one or both of the [Yonka] cremes I am currently using. If I look at my skin in the light from a certain angle, it appears to have the finish of a very fine grit sandpaper. My skin doesn’t hurt, and it doesn’t appear to be rashed to the point of looking red, but it just seems to be somewhat irritated. I have noticed this for quite some time now, but because it doesn’t hurt I didn’t think it was a concern.

I’m not exfoliating or even masking, thinking they might further irritate my skin. I haven’t made any changes in my diet that might be causing this either. What do you think? Is this normal for facial skin to have very small bumps all over it? I really notice the bumps on my cheek, jawline, and upper lip area. I would greatly appreciate your insight.

First of allno!it is not normal to have this type of reaction to a product. Your skin is always telling you if it likes something or not. Even if those bumps already existed yet seemed to get worse after first introducing the new (Yonka or any other) product, that too is not normal.

The only way youll know for sure if the skin problems your are experiencing are due to the moisturizing creams is to stop using them completely and see if your skin clears up. If you can, go back to the moisturizers you were using before you switched to Yonkause them for at least a week, two would be better. This should be enough time for your skin to recover, if only slightly. If you notice an improvement, then youll know something in the Yonka products are causing the skin issues.

However, it might be only one of the Yonka creams you are having a reaction to, a certain set of ingredients. If youre up for the test, do a controlled experiment, and (after your skin is back to normal) use just one of the Yonka creams morning and night: lets say the day cream. You will probably notice any reaction within a day or two. If you dont get a reactiongreat!

Then, stop using the day cream (am/pm) and start using the night cream morning and night. If you do get a reaction, voila: that was the offending product. If you dont get a reaction with this cream either, I would start using the day cream for day and night cream at night and see if after this second go-round you dont react. Sometimes starting a new group of products can prove too much at once for a more sensitive skin. If after this experiment your skin seems fine with both creams, that might just have been the case with you.

Obviously, if you use one or both of the products again and have the same reaction with one or boththat is just not a cream you will be able to use going forward. There are numerous wonderful moisturizers in the Yonka line and I can sample you some to see if you can use them or if your skin just doesnt like Yonka in general.  

It will take some time, but without doing a controlled experiment, you’ll never know if the creams are the problem or if it is something else. If you are willing, do this and please let me know how your skin is doing. My guess is, based on the information you gave me, that you are having a reaction to something in your new Yonka creams. Having use this product line for over 3 decades, I can say for a fact that this rarely happens, but it can happen.

Since both your day cream and night cream are both Yonka, it might be the common elements in these creams that your skin doesnt like and therefore you may not be able to use this line of products. However, it could be just one or two ingredient in one of the creams. If this is the case, and the experiment should provide this information, then we might be able to narrow down the ingredient you are reacting to. I can sample you some other creams from Yonka and hopefully they will be winners for you.

I agree with not using any other types of products on your skin while its in reaction, such as an exfoliator (sure to further irritate) or any type of mask, clay or hydrating, since that will be sitting on top of irritated skin. That is never a good idea. So until your skin returns to normal,” I would hold off of doing anything except this experiment and once all is back to the way it should be, you can then proceed to exfoliate and mask as you usually do.

Its pretty simple, really. If something is irritating your skin or you think it isstop using it! Then, after an ample period of time, if your skin seems to be doing better, the product you were using is probably not something to use going forward. If you don’t notice any difference, the product is most likely OK to use, and youll have to put your investigator hat on to figure out what is causing the problem.

For more information, see:

Wednesday, April 26, 2017

Dark Circles Q & A

I have very dark circles that are genetic and require concealer. I have had difficulties with eye creams that don’t blend well with concealer or somehow increase the dryness or are too oily, making the concealer settle and crease in the wrinkles beneath my eyes.

I was looking at an alpha hydroxy eye cream for wrinkle prevention. I also saw an eye cream that said it helped with the dark circles. But I am not sure whether either of these would work with concealer and makeup during the day. I was hoping perhaps you could help me.

Dark circles (darkness under the eye area) is a big concern for a lot of people. Below I will answer this reader’s question part by part in hopes to make sense of how to take care of this eye area concern.

I have very dark circles that are genetic and require concealer. Genetic is the operative word here. If you know your dark circles stem from a genetic predisposition, then please know that no product, miracle or not, is going to rid you of your genetic “gifts.” How do you know if they’re genetic? Look at your parents and even their parents. If you see dark circles wherever you turn, then you are just carrying on the family tradition.

I have had difficulties with eye creams that don’t blend well with concealer or somehow increase the dryness or are too oily, making the concealer settle and crease in the wrinkles beneath my eyes. Eye cream shouldn’t make the skin around your eyes feel dry. You may be having an allergic reaction or an intolerance to one or more of the ingredients. If the eye cream makes the skin too oily, you may be putting too much on (only use a small amount, but often), or it just may be too rich a cream for your skin. When you use concealer around the eyes, it will crease inside the wrinkles no matter if you use eye cream or not. Like foundation (both contain pigment), concealer will usually accentuate the lines and wrinkles.

I was looking at an alpha hydroxy eye cream for wrinkle prevention. I also saw an eye cream that said it helped with the dark circles. But I am not sure whether either of these would work with concealer and makeup during the day. Alpha hydroxy acids (AHAs) do help with lines and wrinkles because they decompose microscopic bits of skin, leaving the surface of your face smoother and the texture refined. They don’t prevent wrinkles—nothing really does. Creams that say they help with dark circles might help, but only to a certain degree.

As far as AHAs or creams for dark circles working with your concealer, you will have to experiment and see. After applying your eye cream, try waiting at least 5-10 minutes before putting the concealer on. This might help with some of the creasing.

I am thinking of having surgery to remove my dark circles. Do you think there is something else I can do to get rid of them?

Surgery can only take adipose (fat) from that area; it will do nothing for the capillaries or blood vessels. I am not a proponent of surgery. Toxins in our bodies will contribute to the darkness around the eyes. The skin is very thin and shows vascular changes quite easily. So, if your internal health is optimal, usually the darkness will subside, unless of course you are genetically predisposed to dark circles.

I know from personal experience that on the morning after eating sugar, I have noticeable dark circles under my eyes. I believe this is due to an inflammatory response (similar to an allergic reaction) that sugar causes in my body. The same holds true for alcohol consumption. I see the same response (dark circles) after a night of even moderate drinking.

Eating sugar, drinking alcohol, smoking cigarettes, not getting enough sleep at night, and other environmental factors can all contribute to your problem. Change what you are putting in your body (really, give this serious consideration) and see what effects it has on your dark circles.

For more information, see.

Sunday, April 23, 2017

Yonka’s discontinued Serums and their replacement Boosters

I have worked with Yonka products for over 30 years. In the last five years, this product line has gone through more changes than in the previous twenty-five. Some changes I like, others I don’t. In all of the articles I write I give you my honest opinion as an aesthetician working with this line of products. I can say that I will always continue to use Yonka-Paris products, but I hope in my heart Yonka doesn’t lose its soul with all the changes taking place.

These 4 new Booster serums will replace some of the oldest products and formulations in the Yonka line. In one case, Hydra+ replaces Hydralia that recently replaced Dermols 1, 2 & 3. As I said, there has been a lot of changes with Yonka products! Defense+ is a brand new product in the line and will have a detailed article available soon.

Yonka Serum is one of the oldest and most loved products in the Yonka lineup. NUTRI+ booster is its replacement. 

As an aesthetician I have no say-so in the changes that take place with the products I use. It is sometimes a difficult task to encourage and support my clients to purchase and use a newer product when the “old one” was working just fine. I have yet to get a sample of this new serum, but I can only hope it hasn’t changed from the basic formulation of Yonka Serum.

Here is the information that Yonka headquarters has provided about this serum booster:

NUTRI+ Nutrition Booster with cereal germ oils
Are you feeling tired? Is your skin lacking comfort? Bid adieu to signs of tiredness, discomfort and dryness with NURTI+. Its incredible vitamin-packed cocktail give your skin an instant boost.

Its secret: cereal germ oils with a nourishing and regenerating action, combined with the 5 Quintessence Yonka essential oils [thyme, lavender, cypress, geranium, and rosemary]. Now revitalized and nourished, your skin is positively glowing.

Skin is nourished: 89%
Shows a boost in energy: 74%

The percentages the company uses (based on tests Yonka has performed on real people) seem wonderful at first glance but as a professional I don’t quantify products in this way. To say a skin care treatment gives your skin a “74% boost in energy” seems not only impossible to provereallybut it just sounds ridiculous to me. Regardless, using percentages is the new way Yonka is choosing to present their product information. Perhaps you, the consumer, like this kind of language. Anywhoif Nutri+ is anything like Yonka Serum, it will be a lovely, true-oil product that will help hydrate and boost circulation in your skin.

For more information, see:

HYDRA+ replaces the very recently replaced Dermols replaced by Hydralia. Confused? For years Yonka had glycerin-based hydration boosters called The Dermols (1, 2 and 3). The three different Dermol products were replaced in 2012 with one homogenized version called Hydralia. At the time, I made my thoughts known: I was disappointed that these 3 distinctly different products had all of the sudden become one. And now, Hydralia has been morphed into the new booster: Hydra-plus.

I have used this product in treatment. Like Dermol 3, Hydra+ also has blackcurrant extract. When Hydralia came out, I was disappointed Dermol 3 had been discontinued. It was great for sensitive, couperouse, and rosacea skin. With that said, the scent of Dermol 3 wasn’t everyone’s favorite. Now Hydra+ has this distinct blackcurrant aromatic. My hope is this doesn’t turn a lot of people off of Hydra-plus. I love this scent, but many people do not. Hydra+ works just like the Dermols and Hydralia did. Since Hydra+ is replacing Hydralia, this will be the only glycerin-based, non-oily choice for adding extra hydration without increasing oil in client’s skin. Here is what Yonka headquarters has to say:

HYDRA+ Hydration booster with blackcurrant
When your skin feels thirsty and taut, there is no time to lose. HYDRA+ is a real boost of hydrating active ingredients, including vegetable glycerin, which quenches its thirst instantly and efficiently. The 100% natural blackcurrant extract reinforces the cream's soothing feeling as soon as it is applied. Your skin is immediately softer, more comfortable and more supple.

Skin is better hydrated: +30% hydration

Several of my clients absolutely love this new product. The most common comment I hear is how this product really helped to relieve redness and sensitivity. Here is a comment from one of them:

I can’t believe how well HYDRA + worked! It reduced the redness of my skin to the point where I didn’t need to wear makeup. I love it!

For more information, see:

LIFT+ replaces Galbol 90. For me this is a non-event. I never used nor sold Galbol 90. I have always felt it was a superfluous product. I don’t believe a product, Yonka or not, can truly “lift” tissue that is sagging due to age and gravity. However, both this and Galbol 90 have exceptional ingredients. I just couldn’t ever find room for it in my skin care routine or recommend it to my clients. But try it and see if you get results. Let me knowI love hearing success stories! From headquarters:
LIFT+ Firmness Booster with rosemary
When your skin lacks tone, get things moving with Lift+. Core ingredients: 20 plants including rosemary with its firming and toning action, combined with the 5 Quintessence Yonka essential oils [thyme, lavender, cypress, geranium, and rosemary]. Skin is firmer and more toned. Face and neck shape is redefined.

Skin is firmer and toned: 90%

For more information, see:

DEFENSE+ is a totally new product from Yonka and does not replace any existing product in the line. Can it reduce the “appearance” of wrinkles by 25%? I will let you know once I’ve tried it. I have yet to receive any in depth information from Yonka regarding Defense plus. Once I do, I will pass it on to you. Here is what Yonka says about this new product:

DEFENSE+ Antioxidant Booster with pine tree polyphenols
UV rays, pollution, smoking, etc. Say no to the free radicals that weaken your skin and accelerates the aging process. Fight back by using Defense+. Its pine bark polyphenols, known to be incredible antioxidants, enhance your skin's resistance to external aggressions, and its cocktail of organic oils helps reconstruct the skin's protective barrier. Featuring the heart and soul of the Yonka brand DNA, 5 proprietary essential oils: Quintessence Yonka essential oils. Now resilient and better protected, your skin will become more radiant and beautiful, and signs of aging will be reduced.

Complexion is brighter: 75%
Complexion dullness is reduced: 80%
Overall wrinkle appearance: -25%

I will continue to update you on all the changes going on with Multaler, Inc/Yonka-Paris. I think change is basically good, but some changes are easier to take than others!

For more information, see:

Thursday, April 20, 2017

Lavender Quick Tip

After a smoke-filled night (in a bar or club, for instance), you can take a shower or bath to wash the smell off your skin, but what about your hair? It’s late and you don’t want to go to bed with wet hair, so what can you do? Essential oils to the rescue!
  • Take an essential oil you love (I think lavender, ylang ylang, or a citrus oil would be best)
  • Put several drops (4-6) in the palm of your hand; 
  • Rub your hands together and 
  • Then go over your hair.

Be sure to get the underside as well as the top of your hair. Just mix the oils in really well and you won’t have to go to bed smelling like cigarette smoke.

Smoking is not allowed in many public places nowadays. But even if you just have a smoking break outside during work hours, you still will smell like smoke whether you think you do or not. For people like me, we can smell the essence of cigarette smoke from miles away. Just a touch of lavender will keep it from being obvious to those who work around you.

For more information, see:

Monday, April 17, 2017

Yonka sunscreen recommendation question

UPDATE 8/2020: Yonka has been discontinuing products left and right in recent years. It makes it not only hard to keep up, but it also makes some of my articles somewhat moot. Case in point—below. Rather than rewrite this, I have decided to keep it as is and let you know that both Yonka SPF 20 and SPF 25 have been discontinued. The only sunscreen at the moment that is available from Yonka-Paris is their SPF 50. Hopefully in the future they will come out with more options for sun protection; still SPF 50 is a wonderful and protective sun cream.

I have been buying Yonka products from you for about 10 years now. I have a question: I will be going on a cruise in April. The last cruise I took I was unable to find a sunscreen that didn’t burn my face. I’m also looking for a lightweight-feeling one. I was wondering if you could send me some samples of your Yonka sunscreens for me to try. Then I’ll know which one I need to order.

Unfortunately, Yonka only samples their SPF 25. Both SPF 20 & 50 have no samples available. Many times I create a “sample” by emptying a sample toner bottle then squirting one of the sunscreens inside and labeling the bottle so there is no confusion. I actually empty several bottles in advance and store them so the liquid has plenty of time to dry before I add a product inside.

The best lightweight sunscreen in the Yonka line is definitely SPF 20. Although it’s labeled a “spray,”  it actually does not sprayyou will squirt the sunscreen in your palm just like any other product.

Taking the place of the discontinued (and much loved by me and many of my clients) Lait Solaire, SFP 20 is comparable in its thinner naturemore like a “lotion” vs. a thicker “cream” consistency.

With this or any sunscreen, Yonka or other brand, sunscreen is meant to keep your skin from burningnot from any and all sun exposure. What this will look like, especially during a cruise on the ocean, is your skin will definitely get tanned. But if you use your sunscreen product frequently and apply it well, you should avoid sunburns throughout your trip.

For more information, see:

Saturday, April 15, 2017

Powder vs. foundation: which is better for my skin?

Which is better for my skin—powder or foundation?

Thats a great question. As long as you use loose powder, it will be OK for your skin and preferred over using liquid foundation. Foundation seeps into the pores and can reek havoc on problem skin. Even if you have true-dry skin (oil dry), Id recommend powder over foundation. Usually powder’s first ingredient is talc. Talc helps to absorb oil (a benefit), and loose powder is not going to clog your pores like foundation can. Pressed powder, however, is a different story.

Many times I see clients who think they’re treating their skin well since they’re using pressed powder instead of foundation. I actually think pressed powder is worse for the skin than most foundations. It is simply (liquid) foundation in solid form.

Pressed powder contains a lot of emollients and thickeners that are then pressed into the skin and can cause congestion in the pores. I find it very difficult to remove this type of powder in the cleansing phase of the facial, much more so than when I try to remove foundation from a client’s skin. So loose powder is OK, pressed powder is not!

It would be more beneficial to spray your toner on before applying powder (or foundation). If you simply want to spray your toner throughout the day (when you have powder on), go ahead. The toner will still superficially hydrate the surface of your skin and I’m sure you will still receive benefits from its ingredients. But for optimal use, spray toner on after cleansing and before anything else.
Note that when you spray your toner over powder, it will “set” the powder on your skin. I don’t exactly know what this will look like (I don’t wear any makeup) but I would think spraying the toner might diminish the coverage of your powder. Does it?

No matter what you use as a coverup for your skin, my goal as an aesthetician is to get your skin clear and blemish-free so you wont feel like you need to cover anything up. Even those of you with clear skin still like to coverup your healthy skin with makeup. Id love to be a positive influence to encourage you to try to go makeup-free.

For more information, see:

Friday, April 14, 2017

Testimonials for Timeless Skin: Healthy Skin for a Lifetime—my first book

Below are a few testimonials I received after Timeless Skin was published (2000). I so appreciate any and all of you who have contacted me, letting me know how the book changed your life—or at least your skin care habits. Everyone loves compliments, myself included, so thank you again for your words of kindness and positivity!

Timeless Skin came highly recommended. I borrowed a copy and learned more from your book then from the 5 dermatologists I’ve been treated by over the past 20 years!!! Thank you!”

“After reading your book a few years ago, it has made a wonderful dramatic change in my skin. Thank You!”

“I have read Timeless Skin several times and I’ve recommended it to friends who regularly thank me for guiding them to such a comprehensive, user-friendly guide to skin care. Thank you for creating such a handy resource. I appreciate and agree wholeheartedly with your approach and philosophy.”

“I just finished reading your book and liked it so much that after returning the copy I read from the library, I had to go and buy a copy of my own to use as a reference. I found your book to be very informative as well as inspiring.”

“I have just finished reading your excellent book and I wanted to congratulate you from the bottom of my heart for a fantastic no-nonsense sensible book that will help so many people. It was a joy to read for me being an esthetician myself for over 17 years. What a great service you have contributed to our industry, thank you.”

“I read your book and loved it. I have read many books on the market and I have to say yours was easy to follow and made complete sense.”

“I found your book at my local health food store. It was in their book section, and I was shopping with the rare luxury of no children, so I had time to browse. I saw the book, glanced through it, and knew I had to have it. I am really tired of wasting money on products that don’t work, and all the general advice looked great. I was very impressed.”

“I saw you on Oprah [I wish! It was The Iyanla Show] and found your ideas interesting so I bought your book. Thanks for your knowledge and assistance.” See link below to a segment of that show.

“I have thoroughly enjoyed your book and recommend it to almost everyone. Thank you for the most valuable gift of all.....TIME.”

“I found out about you through your book, which I refer to as ‘the skin bible.’ I am 38 and your book has provided many answers to questions I have had concerning my skin. Thank you!”

“I skimmed through a lot of your book last night and it is the best resource on skincare I’ve ever come across. You really cover it all. I haven’t found anyone before who seems to know so much about skin and is not just trying to push the product line that they invented/created.”

“I received your book in the mail, and it is wonderful. It is truly a great resource. I so wished I lived in your area so you could be my ‘skin guru.’ Your skin looks flawless on the book cover. You truly are a great advertisement! Thanks so much.”

“I read and enjoyed your book! Thank you for all the great tips. I wish you had an office in Arkansas!!!!!”

“I have started to read your book and find it to be full of wonderful information. Thank you for writing it. I appreciate your help and maybe I can finally get my skin to behave.”

“I finished your book and was so sad when I got to the end that I decided to start reading it again! I also ordered some of the CDs and books you suggested.”

“I just wanted to tell you how helpful your book has been for me. Thank you again, and I am anxiously waiting for your second book.”

“I just want to say ‘THANK YOU.’ Last evening I started reading your book. I think it provides good, sound advice and information. Here is to being the best that we can be!”

“I loved your book! I actually saw you on a talk show. I decided your book was a must! The only regret I have is that I didn’t have it in my hands to read 35 years ago! Seriously, there is a ton of valuable information in it and I am recommending it to my sisters and friends. Thanks again for your personal attention.”

“I read your new book and learned a ton about my skin.”

“GREAT BOOK!!!! I will recommend it to all my friends.”

“I wanted to tell you that I have started to read your book and find it to be full of wonderful information. Thank you for writing it.”

“I have learned a lot of information from your book and told all my friends about it. I was doing basically everything wrong. Since the day I started reading your book my skin has improved dramatically.”

“The book was very helpful. I have begun to follow your recommendations for skin care both outside and in and am already seeing benefit.”

“I just wanted to tell you how much I enjoyed your book! I learned some new facts, validated some old ones, and have been stimulated to investigate a few things a little more. But it was really great and I will recommend it to others.”

“I purchased your book after seeing you on The Iyanla Show. Your skin is beautiful so I felt that you knew what you were talking about. I found the book to be very helpful and my skin has improved a great deal using your suggestions.”

“I started reading Timeless Skin, and I want to thank you for all your good advice and sharing your thoughts. You have made my skin care regime much simpler.”

“Your book was highly recommended. I borrowed a copy and read the first 96 pages on the plane and at the Seattle airport while on my way to a conference last month. I’ve learned more from your book then from the 5 dermatologists I’ve been treated by over the past 20 years!!! I had to go and get my own copy. Thank you!”

“As a licensed esthetician who no longer works in the industry, skin care is really more of a hobby that I enjoy reading and talking about. Your book is a must-have for estheticians who could definitely benefit from your experience, and for the consumer whose dermatologist and esthetician isn’t helping! Thanks for the fabulous tips in your book and for making my skin just that much more beautiful!”

“I’ve read several books written by both estheticians and dermatologists (since my skin started acting up) and your book is my favorite. It was so helpful and straight forward. I was so into it, I read it all in one sitting (that hardly happens for me). By sharing your own experience, it definitely gave me hope that my skin would clear up someday! The book seemed sincere and less ‘technical’ and ‘sales-y’ compared to other skin books I’ve seen. You come across as someone who really wants to help with people’s skin problems, even those who can’t come to see you.”

Thank you thank you thank you one and all I have quoted here and for all the wonderful compliments I have received over my 32 year career. I appreciate you!!!

For more information, see:

Wednesday, April 12, 2017

Avobenzone—you want this in your sunscreen

Avobenzone or Parsol 1789 is one of the few truly effective sunscreen ingredients. The other two are titanium dioxide and zinc oxide. All three are considered physical blocks.

Avobenzone, unlike many other sunscreens, helps to block out UVA radiation from the sun. This is important: you want to use sunscreens that are classified as full- or broad-spectrum, which means they are able to protect you against both UVA and UVB sun rays.

On one of the talk shows I was a guest on, there was also a dermatologist there giving information about sun-related skin damage. He went on and on about the benefits of this relatively new sunscreen ingredient, Parsol 1789.

So when you are shopping for the best ingredients to have in your sunscreen, look for the name avobenzone or Parsol 1789. Of course nothing except the great indoors is going to keep you from receiving sun exposure and therefore sun damage. But wearing a product with avobenzone or any of the other physical sunscreen ingredients mentioned above will give you the best coverage you can find—short of an umbrella or inside a building.

For more information, see:
Keeping direct sunlight off your face is the ultimate “sun screen.”

Tuesday, April 4, 2017

Dermatology, skin care & 2 sets of belief systems

My dermatologist told me it didn’t matter what I used on my skin. Is that true?

My first question would be does that make sense to you? How can it be possible that what you are using on your skin isn’t affecting it? The products you are using are either helping to maintain healthy skin, or they are helping to cause problems. There really isn’t much room for anything else to be occurring. I suppose a product could just be sitting on your skin doing nothing, but this would be possible only if you had perfect, no problem skin and if the product was inert or inactive.

You may think these are old beliefs that don’t hold true today, but just the other day I was talking to a client whose dermatologist told her that facials were a waste of time. Ten years ago that statement wouldn’t have surprised me, but to hear it now was somewhat disappointing. So many dermatologists nowadays have joined the bandwagon and have aestheticians on staff at their clinics. I believe this is more fiscally motivated than based on a belief that facials are beneficial, but you can’t ignore the fact that dermatology and aesthetics are now holding hands.

Having a dermatologist you like and trust is very important, and I highly recommend that you begin to build a relationship with one in your area. Usually, skin problems need immediate attention, and if you are experiencing a reaction or have a strange-looking mole you want to get looked at, it’s better to already have someone on board to help you.

I also recommend getting a baseline mole check if you haven't done so already. You and your dermatologist can and should work together to decrease your chances of skin cancer. I believe it’s not a matter of whether you will develop some form of skin cancer, but when. Sun damage is so unpredictable, and having a qualified doctor monitoring your skin irregularities and moles is a good idea. I hope you will take my suggestion and if you don’t already have one, find a dermatologist.

How do I go about finding a dermatologist? It seems like everyone I know has one but me! What do I need to look for?

Finding a dermatologist is no different than finding any doctor. You want to find someone whom you trust and who offices in an area that is convenient for you. Not all dermatologists are alike, but there does seem to be a common thread that runs though many of them. I know this from my own experience and from hearing countless stories from my clients over the years.

Dermatologists tend not to spend a whole lot of time with you. Typically a dermatologist will come in, take a quick look at your skin, and either prescribe something or otherwise diagnose the problem and send you on your way. Because of this, I always encourage my clients to have a list of questions with them and get answers before they leave the office. I know when I’m at the doctor’s, I tend to lose my train of thought and forget the questions I may have wanted to ask.

I also recommend that you have your dermatologist check your moles even if you are seeing them for something unrelated. Skin cancer is preventable and curable if caught early, so don’t pass up an opportunity to be looked at from head to toe.

Another commonality I have found in the field of dermatology is there isn’t a lot of emphasis on nutrition as it relates to skin problems. In fact, I ask my clients to pose the question “Do you think diet affects the skin?” to their dermatologists, and nine times out of ten, the answer is no. If this is the case, know you are probably dealing with a doctor who chooses to look at the symptom alone, without considering the body as a whole.

As you probably know, I believe the body must be looked at as an entire machine, although it may be only one part that is in need of repair. If your dermatologist is progressive and understands this wholistic approach, consider yourself lucky. As with any doctor or health care practitioner, if you don’t feel comfortable or confident in someone you go to, listen to yourself and find an alternative next time. 

Touching back to the original question of what you use on your skin doesn’t matterit does! If you have no-problem skin, you can get away with using less expensive products or products that a problem skin would have issues with. In most cases, it matters what you use. There are dozens of articles on this blog for sensitive, problem, acne and even no-problem skin types to help you navigate the sometimes overwhelming world of product sales.   

For more information, see: