
Saturday, May 27, 2017

Gaining control of problem skin: Your Ultimate Guide

In order to gain control of problem skin, there are a few important items that should not be overlooked. Although I have already mentioned some of the following problem solvers in other articles (some listed below), I am repeating them here as a consolidated body of information you can easily refer to.

If you can incorporate all of these into your day, although there are no guarantees, I would be surprised if you did not see some marked improvement in your skin. These are not in any particular order of importance, but they are all important for keeping your body—and therefore your skin—healthy, inside and out.

Water. Drinking enough water throughout the day will really help your body get rid of toxins. Water is in no way a cure-all, but without it all of your eliminating organs (including your skin) have to work harder. The goal is to make it easier for your body to eliminate toxins. Eight 8-ounce glasses a day is the minimum to maintain healthy cells and overall hydration. I don’t recommend tap water because it contains chemicals, such as chlorine. Purchase clean, filtered water or get a water filter for your tap.

No sugar (of any kind). If you follow this one piece of advice, it will go a long way to helping your skin clear up. I have seen this to be true in my own skin as well as dozens of my clients throughout the years. Sugar is a major contributor to problem skin.

Chlorophyll. For anyone experiencing breakout, I recommend supplementing with liquid chlorophyll. In short, chlorophyll acts as an internal cleanser, helping to eliminate toxins from the body. It’s a health aid in numerous ways, but I have had a lot of clients find good results by taking “nature’s green drink” to help with their problem skin. As an added benefit (and another reason why I recommend it to my clients), chlorophyll helps to relieve constipation. Constipation can be a contributing factor to problem skin.

Evening primrose oil can help to reduce the amount of oil produced by the sebaceous glands. In some cases it can help to reduce breakouts.

No sun exposure if you can help it. I’m not saying don’t go outside; I mean no direct sunlight on your face. Sometimes you can’t help getting exposure, but certainly don’t purposefully bask in the sun thinking it will clear up your problem skin. It won’t. Heat activates all glandular activity, including your oil glands. In fact, with the worst case scenario, it will increase the amount of breakout you are experiencing. If you have to be in the sun, wear protection such as a wide-brimmed hat, and as always, wear sunscreen.

Don’t wash too much. This has the potential to stimulate the sebaceous glands and create more oil. Twice a day and anytime after you have been sweating is all you need. Don’t think cleaning the surface will eliminate the problem. Try to look at the problems with your skin as stemming from an imbalance on the inside, not just breakout on the outside. And remember, no soaps; only use non-alkaline cleansers.

Don’t let sweat dry on your skin. Immediately rinse your face with water after exercising. You don’t ever want sweat to dry on the surface of your skin. Otherwise you’re just asking for trouble.

There are no guarantees that any of the suggestions here will completely or even partially clear up your problem skin. I offer them because in my experience with my clients, they have had good results incorporating some or all of these recommendations. There are many routes to healthy, clear skin. The road I prefer is getting to the cause of the problem and trying to fix it from the inside out.

If your skin gets beyond your control, and you don’t feel comfortable altering your diet and lifestyle habits, perhaps you would be a good candidate for seeking out a dermatologist’s care. He or she will be able to prescribe oral and/or topical medications that have been proven to help people with problem skin. My feeling, however, is that whichever route you choose, if you don’t alter your diet and eliminate poor-quality foods such as sugar, you are doing your skin a huge disservice.

Problem skin begs for attention. And although it takes commitment, perseverance, and patience, I know you can experience trouble-free skin if you are willing to be open to change. In life, I believe anything is possible.

For corresponding articles to some of the above problem solvers, see: