
Thursday, March 30, 2017

Wholistic or Holistic: However you spell it—make the healthy choice

I choose to spell this word wholistic vs holistic. It immediately implies whole, as in the whole body. No matter how you choose to spell it, this word has gotten a bad rap. For certain people, I think it connotes some sort of airy-fairy, nonsensical, even religious meaning that has nothing to do with its actual definition. The base word is whole. This, as anyone knows, means entire, all, or everything. So wholistic, in relation to the human body means taking into account the body in its entirety.

A wholistic approach to medicine or a medical condition simply means looking at the body as a whole instead of just focusing on the affected area. I use this wholistic approach as a rule whenever I am treating someone with problem skin. It’s never just about the breakout and how to make the blemishes go away.

For me, and thus my clients, it is about looking at the individual as a whole person, breaking down their diets, their exercise programs (or lack of one), and looking at how much stress is in their lives. I also look for other factors such as things that are new. New laundry detergent, a new living situation (new local, new house, new housemate), new foods, (eating unusual food while on vacation, for instance), a new workout routine—new anything that might be contributing to their skin problems.

If you are only treating the symptom, or just one part of the body (in this example, the skin), I believe you are missing out on the total and long-term solution. Try the word wholistic on for size next time you are faced with a skin condition or other problem with your body. Don’t just focus your attention on the symptoms; truly look at all aspects of your life as holding answers to the potential cause or causes of your health concerns. Take a wholistic approach.

For more information, see:

Monday, March 27, 2017

Pricey Products Q & A

Why should I use some expensive cream when I can buy one for a few dollars at the grocery or a chain superstore like Target?

If you can find inexpensive products that work well for your skin, that’s great! You don’t necessarily have to spend a lot of money. Experience has shown me that most inexpensive products don’t work for people with problem skin, whether it be breakout or redness or sensitivities. So if you have no-problem skin and find cheaper products that work, by all means use those if you want to.

Ingredients can make a difference—depending on the products they’re in. I like essential oils, and usually the products that contain essential oils are more expensive than what you would find in a grocery or chain store. The bottom line: always find what works best for you. Maybe you can use inexpensive products; maybe you can’t. Your skin will always let you know what you need to do.

I find many skin care systems a little pricey. However, I do realize if you want a good product you have to pay for it. But what do normal, working class women do if they want great skin? I have tried many products and most seem to do well on my skin. I just hope I don’t have to mortgage my home to continue to use a good product!

I realize products can get expensive. However, if you find something that really does work and is something that you can continue to use for a long time, I would imagine you will save money. How? Because you won’t be wasting your time and money on the myriad products out there—many of which I am sure you have purchased, and perhaps without much effect on your skin.

In my opinion, when it comes to your skin you may have to pay a little more to get good products. It can be a hard road finding something that works. Sampling is very important. Then you can try any product in the privacy of your own home and see how it works over several days.

Depending on your skin, you may be able to use an inexpensive product. Just be sure to monitor your skin to be sure whatever you are using is doing a good job and, of course, not causing any problems. You don’t have to spend a lot of money, but percentage-wise, better products do tend to cost more.

For more information, see:

Friday, March 24, 2017

Botox, “Mental Botox,” and a client’s comments

Botox® is a very popular anti-aging treatment. It is one of the least harmful procedures, but alas, it is also temporary. Only your inner core belief about life and the aging process is something that can hold its shape unchanged over time.

Botox isn’t technically wrinkle removal; consider it wrinkle postponement. Botox doesn’t truly erase wrinkles; it paralyzes the muscles at the site of injection, prohibiting movement during expressions. Once the toxin is absorbed and removed from the muscle, your ability to express will return, and so will the wrinkles.

Some of you will obviously choose Botox. But where does it really get you in the end? And do we know about the possible long-term detrimental effects of using this toxin over and over again in particular muscles of the face? The answer is no—at this point there are no long-term studies on botulism’s effect long-term. Botox was approved for use in the facial area by the FDA in 2002.

Mental Botox. What I’m introducing is a way to begin being consciously aware of how you are creating your lines and wrinkles through your repetitive and unconscious facial expressions. If you decide to get Botox injections, it will prohibit facial movements but will do nothing to teach you to control your unconscious expressions. Once the Botox wears off, you will be right back where you started, albeit a few months further away from deepening the lines.

I’m beginning to form lines between my brows. The only reason these lines are forming is from crunching up my face from squinting in the bright sun or when I’m worried or upset—oh, and I’m almost 55. Nevertheless it is something I am creating (the wrinkle); nothing else is causing it.

Mental Botox is this: I have simply, over time, learned to direct my conscious awareness to my facial expressions. Sometimes I don’t realize I am making wrinkle-producing expressions immediately, but now when I do become aware that I am, I relax that part of my face so the line will cease to increase. Sometimes I put my finger up there and massage the skin a little bit to help the muscles relax.

Because I am getting older and because skin changes as we age, these lines will end up forming on some level even with this Mental Botox application. However, I can certainly delay their coming and decrease their depth by learning to relax those muscles. This way I am in control of my destiny, and I don’t have to pay hundreds of dollars every few months for a Botox injection. And Mental Botox can be used for the rest of my life. It also enables me to make expressions, which are something that is a part of everyday communication and something lost with Botox.

I believe you can consciously direct yourself away from bad behaviors and habits as well as into new and improved habits. For example, I have not only used this self-programing for when I’m wrinkling my face, but also for when I am grinding my teeth. I now wake myself up when I am grinding my teeth, whereas before I would just wake up in the morning with a jaw ache from grinding all night. I simply told myself to become consciously aware of the grinding and to wake up when it was happening. Although it may sound impossible, it actually works. It’s just a matter of determination, setting a goal, and prioritizing its achievement.

They say we only use a very small percentage of our brain’s capacity. You have the resources within you to make changes, large and small, within your own life and body. Why not give Mental Botox a try? You have nothing to lose and maybe better body awareness to gain.

I had a bit of Botox around my eyes two weeks ago. I’ve been very afraid of that treatment but caved in. I have to say, it has made quite a difference. I just pray that it is safe! What are your thoughts on Botox?

I have said that if I had to get an anti-aging procedure (emphasis on had to), I would most likely choose Botox. To me, it seems the least invasive as well as the least problematic. And the results are temporary, so if it doesn’t do what you want it to do, you aren’t stuck with the results. But for now I will continue to go along using my mind to help me with aging. Yes, I mean using Mental Botox, but more so I mean I will continue to work on developing a healthy attitude of acceptance vs. resistance to the most natural process in our lives and our bodies—the aging process.

For more information, see:

Monday, March 20, 2017

Yonka Products for Aging Skin

I wanted to post some information to help you put together a skin care program using Yonka products if you have skin that is noticeably aging.

As I say over and over: if you have an oilier skin typeeven if you are olderusing products for mature” or true-dry skin will create a problem, a breakout problem. So the following is really for aging skin that is true-dry (oil-dry). 

Click on any product name to be taken to its corresponding article on this blog.

You first need to determine the amount of oil your skin produces to truly understand which products to use. Please read:

I’m concerned with aging:

For more specific product recommendations for aging skin that is true-dry/oil-dry, see:

For some articles on aging I have posted on this blog, see:

Saturday, March 18, 2017

Hair Removal Options: Shaving & Your Skin

Please first read Thoughts about Hair Removal Options for some important preliminary information.

As most of you hopefully know, preparing your skin before shaving is of the utmost importance. If your skin is flaky and dry, shaving will be an exercise in skin irritation. To prepare your skin before shaving, the following re the steps I recommend.

Exfoliating the area to be shaved is essential for good results. Exfoliation gets rid of dead cell buildup on the surface of your skin. This buildup is a factor if you are feeling dry. If you are a woman who has trouble shaving your legs, try exfoliating beforehand and see if this helps you get a smoother shave.

For men, you are actually exfoliating every time your shave, so it may not be practical to pre-exfoliate your face every time before you shaveunless you are having problems shaving due to dehydrated skin. Using an exfoliant (like a scrub or gommage) at least once or twice a week on your entire face will give your skin a smoother texture , setting up the optimum environment for shaving. Keeping your skin well-moisturized day and night will also help the cause.

Next I recommend using a soothing shaving cream. Aveeno is the brand I like best, and it is good for men and women alike. On the bottle it says, “Dermatologist recommended, therapeutic shave gel with natural colloidal oatmeal. For sensitive skin, irritated skin, razor bumps. No added fragrance.” This is certainly not the only shaving product available, and perhaps you have already found one that works well for you, but if not, try Aveeno shaving cream and hopefully you will get better results.

I do not recommend using soap (especially bar soap) to shave with. Usually soap is alkaline, causing dryness on the surface of your skin. It also does not give you a thick, creamy-textured substance for the razor to glide across. Stick to shaving gels. You can even find some that heat up on your skin. In emergencies I have used cream rinse (hair conditioner) as a substitute shaving cream. I don’t recommend this as a regular practice, but in a pinch it works better than soap, creating a smooth surface to work with without drying out the skin.

Note: If you find your skin becomes irritated after using a shaving product, discontinue use and try something else. Irritation may be your skin telling you it is sensitive to something in a product, and irritation is not the goal. But before blaming a product, please make sure your razor has a sharp edge. A dull, overused razor spells disaster for even the best-prepared surface.

Finally a triple (or more) blade razor is a must in my opinion. Years ago I had a client who shaved his head. I asked him what he used to get such a close shave without nicking his head. He said triple blades made all the difference in the world. A few days later one of my employees said about the same thing for shaving concerns for women. I immediately ran out and got a triple blade razor and have been singing its praises ever since. If you haven’t ever used a triple blade, give one a try. Once you do, you won’t go back to a double blade—I promise! You can find razors with 4-5 blades now.

If you are shaving your bikini area, ladies, no doubt you have run into some problems—namely irritation and ingrown hairs. Shaving with a triple blade razor may bring some relief, but due to the delicate nature of that particular skin, shaving is not the optimum way to remove hair at the bikini line. It is, however, the cheapest way. So if money is a factor (and you don’t experience the pain of irritation and ingrown hairs), shave on. But if you are a woman who does have problems when shaving this area, waxing or even electrolysis may be something to consider. These services will cost varying amounts of money, but will give you fewer problems than shaving that delicate area. 

Aftershave. Whether you are male or female, using something on your skin after you shave (wherever you shave) will greatly increase your chances of having smooth and soothed skin. As long as you are not allergic to it, aloe vera gel makes a great aftershave skin soother. Slather it over the area just shaved. Aloe vera has tremendous healing and soothing abilities; it is used for sunburns, so it will help with your after-shaving needs too. Another alternative would be to use your toner in a spray bottle as an aftershave. As long as you use a toner without alcohol, this product will hydrate and soothe just-shaved skin.

Of course there are many aftershave products on the market, but be sure to use one without alcohol—the bad kind (isopropyl alcohol)—in its ingredient list. Alcohol will be anything but soothing, although it does have antiseptic abilities. Alcohol will probably cause a burning sensation, which is the opposite effect you are looking for after your have run a razor over your skin.

For more information, see:

Tuesday, March 14, 2017

MYTH: Preventing wrinkles is possible!

You may hear and see ads about how cream “X” prevents wrinkles. Well, no cream or product you can buy will truly prevent what nature has in store for you. Is there anything you can do to lessen their appearance? Yes. 
  1. Stay away from direct sunlight. This is one surefire way to actually prevent wrinkles.
  2. Get into good skin care habits early. Any care you give your skin will be reciprocated in kind by healthy tissue and cells.
  3. Don’t drink alcohol or smoke. One or both of these may be long-term habits in your daily life. But just know, they each affect your skin and how it ages.
  4. Pick parents with good genes for skin. First it is genetics, then sun exposure, and finally the care you take of your skin that are the keys to preventing or causing wrinkles.

For more information, see:

Saturday, March 11, 2017

Tanning Beds Q & A

Please don't use tanning beds!
Which is worse, lying out in the sun without sunscreen or using a full spectrum (UVA/UVB) sunscreen in a tanning salon?

One of the “benefits” of sun exposure vs. tanning bed exposure is you will get a sunburn if you stay in the sun too long. Sun rays emit a lot more UVB (the rays that tan and burn the skin) than a tanning bed does. In fact, this is one of the selling points at a tanning salon—there is less of the UVB radiation, so your skin won’t burn. But burning is your body’s natural warning mechanism, telling you to get out of the sun! Whenever you’ve gotten sunburned, it is doubtful you went out for more sun immediately afterwards. More than likely, you protected your sunburned skin and avoided further exposure until the burn went away. With tanning beds you don’t burn, so you could conceivably stay in them much longer and create much more damage than if you were in the sun.

The answer to this question, although I wouldn’t recommend either scenario, is to stay out of the tanning beds under any circumstance. Why? Tanning beds are worse than sun exposure. You get accelerated UV damage, and no matter how you slice it, tanning beds should be avoided at all costs.

You may be going to a tanning salon to get a “base tan” before a vacation, or to get some color in the winter when you feel like you look too “white.” You may be trying to avoid getting a sunburn while on vacation, but if you get color from the beds, in theory protecting your skin, doesn’t that mean you’ll be prone to spending more time outside in the sun—perhaps even unprotected? In theory, this preparation mentality is understandable; in practice, it just means more sun damage—first from the tanning bed, and then from more exposure than you would normally be able to tolerate from the sun.

Obviously, I am not trying to sugarcoat the truth of going to a tanning bed. It is dangerous and will have long-term and long-lasting effects. Any pleasure you get from the change in your skin’s color is far outweighed by the fact you are damaging otherwise healthy cells. If you want to age faster and create an environment for cancer in your skin, go to a tanning bed as often as you can. Why wait? You could cause all kinds of damage sooner rather than later.

For more information, see:
AGING MACHINESDon't use them!!!

Tuesday, March 7, 2017

More Chlorophyll Q & As

Chlorophyll is basically alfalfa juice concentrate. Chlorophyll loosens hardened fecal matter off the colon wall. Toxins abound in your intestines, and you want to keep as much old, hardened matter from hanging around. Even if constipation isn’t a concern for you, I recommend taking a month’s worth of chlorophyll as a preventative a few times during the year—every three or four months. As always, it is advisable to consult with your primary care health practitioner before adding or eliminating this or any supplement.

I read in your book [Timeless Skin] to use chlorophyll; four tablespoons in water twice a day. So you recommend starting with eight tablespoons each day? Will I see results within the month? Also, do you have any ideas on making this more palatable or could I take the tablets? Are they as effective as the liquid?

I recommend taking four tablespoons twice a day for three to four weeks if you are experiencing a lot of breakout. This way you are getting a good deal of this clearing aid into your digestive system, and hopefully it will do just that—help to clear up your skin. (If nothing else, it should help your colon rid itself of toxic buildup.) Then, after that first month, you can take the dosage that is commonly recommended on the chlorophyll bottle, which is one tablespoon twice a day. This would be your maintenance dosage.

Your blemishes are not going to be “cured” by taking chlorophyll, and you may not see results that are earth-shattering. You ought to have a change in your daily eliminations, though. They should be more full and pronounced. This indicates that you are eliminating the waste your body has produced, which reduces the chance for those toxins to get into your blood and potentially cause problems with your skin.

As far as the tablets go, you have to take a bunch of them to equal the two to four tablespoons of liquid. The thing you have to understand about tablets (or capsules) is they are void of water. That’s why they are in that hardened form: all of the water has been taken out. So it takes a lot of water to rehydrate them and bring them to the same hydration level that the liquid, for instance, would have.

Personally, I think you are better off with the liquid. If you find it unpalatable, you can try taking the capsules or tablets, or perhaps try the mint-flavored version of liquid chlorophyll. You could even double the amount of water you are mixing the liquid with and see if that helps with the taste.

Is there any reason I should stop taking chlorophyll?

I don’t know of any reason why you shouldn’t take chlorophyll. My own personal routine is to take something for a period of time and then take a day, a week, or even a month off and let it clear out of my body. There may not be any reason—technically—to do this; it’s just what feels right for me and for my body. You have to come to your own conclusion about taking supplements. What works for you may not work for someone else. Let your body be your guide. During the time you are taking chlorophyll, notice any differences there might be. Has your elimination changed for the better? Has your skin been clearer? Do you have more energy? If you answered yes to any of these questions, I would say keep taking it!

For more information, see:

Friday, March 3, 2017

All Stressed Out: Help for your body, mind & skin

When you’re stressed, it’s a time when your body needs three things: rest and relaxation; healthy, clean, and easy-to-digest foods; and water as the main source of fluids. However, when you’re under stress you may tend to sleep less, eat poorly, and perhaps drink more alcohol, coffee and sodas, which all leach water from your system. So you may do the very things that will tax your body, making the stress even more significant.

This might be a good time to incorporate the next best thing into your day as much as possible. Taking supplements to help boost your weakened immune system would also be a good idea. Do anything you can in the course of your day that will help lessen the amount of stress you are feeling.

There are many people who do Chair Massage and will come to your office for a 15- or 30-minute “quicky” that can work wonders for relieving stress. Keeping good foods and clean water within close reach would also be helpful since stressful days usually mean you have less time to take for meals and snacks.

During periods of stress, the skin tends to suffer. Try to exfoliate regularly, and keep up with even just a basic skin care routine (try to clean your face daily!). Many of your routines may fall by the wayside when you are stressed, so try to keep up with at least a minimum of skin care instead of none at all. This would be a good time to get a facial. You can relax for an hour while someone else takes good care of your skin.

There are many different, small things you can do to help your body get through the stresses of the day. Try to find at least one or two to help lessen the intensity of your day—every day. Including anti-stress activities can go a long way to helping you with short-term or even long-term stress in your life. Take care of your body now, so it can carry you through stressful times and lead you to the light at the end of the tunnel.

For more information, see: