
Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Starting your career in skin care

I am an inexperienced licensed esthetician from Florida, and I just moved to the area. I am looking for advice on secondary training and starting my own skin care business. I have experience in the beauty business as an owner of a retail/spa but new to the actual esthetician work myself. Do you have any advice?

Here are my two cents, for what it
’s worth: I highly recommend, as an “inexperienced aesthetician,” that you find a skin care job at a good salon or spa. The first few years after skin care school are when your education truly begins. Right after school and without practical experience, you are not an ideal candidate to open a business. If I were a client, I would want an aesthetician with at least a few years on the job before I would be willing to give her a chance—after all, this is a pricy service and no one is looking for a novice. You must work on many faces before you really know your stuff.

Find a quality salon and work there for a few years in the security of being paid to learn vs. starting out on your own with all the responsibilities of running your own business and learning about skin care. I have had my own salon(s) for over 20 yearsworking for nearly ten years at the beginning of my career for other peopleand I so don’t recommend starting out the way you are thinking about. Your ego may be disagreeing with me right now, but you asked so I am giving you my opinion.

Best wishes on your quest for a successful skin care career.

I never heard back from this woman. I’m sure she wanted to hear something different, but what I said is what I truly believe.

If you are an aesthetician or plan on becoming one, please visit my blog Help for Aestheticians: Starting a business. There you will find lots of information written just for you.

For more information, see: