
Monday, August 24, 2020

Getting rid of BACK BREAKOUT: facials, nutrition, and client questions

I get a lot of breakout on my back. It is practically impossible for me to reach this area. What can I do to help the problem, and why does my back break out in the first place?

First off, because we are dealing with skin, its location is less relevant than you may think. As long as you are producing infected blemishes, you want to essentially treat them the same no matter where they appear on your body.

When it comes to treating the skin on your back, it can be challenging. But there are ways you can get to that skin, even if you have to employ another person in the process. The answer to why you are breaking out there is the same as if you were having breakouts on your face. Internally something is out of balance, and in my opinion, diet is most likely at the root of the problem.

Watch your sugar intake. As I have written about in many articles, this (sugar) is a common ingredient that can and does cause a lot of problems with skin—namely breakouts. Water is one of the best things for your body. If you aren’t currently drinking enough (or any) water each day, start now to drink more water, which helps to rid toxins from your body. If you sweat a lot, are you able to rinse it off your back? Or does the sweat just sit there on your skin for long periods of time? This can be a source of irritation and potential breakout, especially if you are sweating during workouts. Rinse the sweat off your entire body before it has a chance to dry on the skin. 

If you can afford it, get a back facial at a salon or spa. Call first to be sure they offer this service and if you have the time, go by the establishment and see where you will be receiving the treatment before you even make an appointment. Why? Some facial chairs just don’t translate into good tables for back facials. You want a versatile chair that will ensure your comfort during the process. The salon may have you lie on a massage table, which is fine. Ask them to prop up your feet if that makes you feel more comfortable. They probably have a bolster to put under the tops of your ankles for this very purpose.

If a professional facial is out of the question, I have written a comprehensive article on how to tend to back breakout at home, which also relates to any problem skin you may have on your chest as well (listed below). You can give yourself a back facial, but for obvious reasons much of the surface area of your back will simply be left untreated. You really need another person’s help in order to get to the entire back area. 

What is the most effective way to get rid of acne on the chest and upper back? Do you have any practical tips on how to take care of that area? It seems that it’s easier to take care of acne on the face, but on the chest its a lot harder. The only time I can really cleanse in these places is when I take a shower in the AM.

In one way, breakout is breakout. How you’d treat problem skin on your face is just about the same as how you’d handle chest and/or back acne. The biggest difference, of course, is location and simply put—your face is much easier to reach than your back.

As I’ve said over and over again—problem skin, be it acne, simple breakout, or the occasional pimple, is a multifaceted process when it comes to clearing things up. Without evaluating your diet (what you put into your body, both eating and drinking) as well as looking at your age (hormonally, where are you at?) then of course how you are taking care (or not taking care) of your skin—both face and body— on a daily basis, it is doubtful you will be able to tackle the problem skin you are experiencing with much success.

There are many medications to be taken and I have written about that here on this blog. In the case of chest and back acne (true acne, not just occasional breakout), sometimes taking an oral and/or a topical medication is the only way to treat the problem in these locations. I’m definitely an advocate of proper everything else before leaning on mediations, but sometimes doing something short-term (taking a pill) can help jumpstart a new lifestyle program that, if you have acne, will no doubt need to happen.

I understand the frustration with not being able to reach these areas and treat them as easily as you can your face, but give the suggestions in this and other articles on breakout a try, look for that trusted helper, and continue reading on how to treat breakout that will give you more guidelines and helpful hints and will hopefully make it easier for you to have clear skin all over.

For more information, see: