
Saturday, July 18, 2020

“8 Secrets Your Aesthetician [perhaps] Won’t Tell You” BUT I WILL!!!

I found an article on “secrets” your aesthetician won’t necessarily tell you online one day. I thought I’d take each one and give my 2¢ for what it’s worth. Are these all really secrets? It’s a matter of opinion, but many of the items here are simply common sense to me. As you will see I agree with a few things but disagree with others. I thought going through this list might be helpful to those wanting to know more about not just finding a facial salon but also things to think about when you’re talking with your aesthetician. Click on the title to be taken to the article 8 Secrets Your Esthetician Won’t Tell You by Sarah Carrillo.

1) We can scar your face
As Snyder* mentioned earlier, not all estheticians are thoroughly trained on extractions and other potentially scar-inducing procedures. If you leave the salon with irritated or scarred skin, that means your esthetician messed up and used products or techniques that weren’t right for you. The bottom line: Ask about your facialist’s training or get recommendations from friends before you lay down on the table. 
*Arielle Snyder is the aesthetician who was interviewed for the 8 Secrets article.

Unfortunately, I agree with her comments that in most cases, aestheticians do not receive sufficient training on how to do extractions correctly. I’m not sure how helpful it is to find out the training your facial person has had. I received almost no training at the skin care school I attended, yet if I do say so myself, I’m a master of my trade and over the years have become proficient with extractions. Many of my clients have told me horror stories about their past experiences and how happy they are to have me doing their extractions now. As I’ve written about in other articles, getting facials from a brand new aesthetician has its downsides. Upsides, too, but it can take years of giving facials before you are truly exceptional working with skin—especially doing manual extractions.

As far as scarring goes, I suppose anyone (including you!) who is working on your face could cause a scar if they aren’t being careful or just aren’t aware of possible damage they could be doing. In all the years I’ve been working giving facials I can’t actually remember anyone coming in who was “scarred” by another aesthetician. I have had facials where the person was going way too hard with extractions and I just said “stop please.” If it doesn’t feel right (it never feels good), listen to yourself and ask them to bypass the extractions for now. If you really need extractions it might be time to find another aesthetician.

2) You can get the same results at home
Well, almost. Snyder points out, “Human touch is extremely healing, so there’s nothing like having a good esthetician work on you.” But, she also concedes, with the right tools and guidance you can do an at-home facial and get great results.

She says that while most of her clients come in every four to eight weeks, others only come in every few months or even once a year. They can get away with this by doing things right at home. 
“If you have a proper routine going at home and do your own mask treatments, you don’t need to come in that often,” Synder says. 

Although I agree you can achieve similar results at home if using good products and procedures, there is nothing like having someone else do all the work for you. Whether getting monthly facials or just once or twice a year, treating yourself to your favorite facial is an important part of self care—if, of course, you love facials. Doing your own nails or massaging your calves may get you similar results as going to a nail salon or massage therapist, I do believe that putting yourself in the hands of a competent professional has far-reaching results that you cannot duplicate at home. In my facial there are a few products that aren’t sold to the public and make a big difference in my clients skin, steps that can’t be done at home. I would say if you are the type of person who is dedicated to doing The Extras along with your Basics routine you can achieve similar results but definitely not the same effects of having regular facial treatments.

3) You can ignore our sales pitches
A good esthetician will want to set you up with the right at-home routine, so don’t be surprised when she recommends products. Snyder points out that estheticians do a lot of research on the product lines they use, and you might as well use that knowledge to your advantage. But at no point should you feel pressure to buy, Snyder says. “I don’t pressure anyone to buy anything, the decision is completely theirs! But a good at-home program is crucial in caring for your skin.”
I agree wholeheartedly. I am not a sales person, I let the products I sell do all the work. I always send first-time clients home with samples of what they could purchase from the line of products I sell (Yonka-Paris). In the privacy of their own home, clients can see the results they (hopefully) get from using high-quality skin care.

I’ve always said I “sell” like I prefer to be “sold”—hands off! I don’t like being followed around in a store by a sales person trying to pressure me into something I’m not interested in and I treat my clients the same way. I let the products and my facials do the talking, and although I educate my clients as best I can, even then if they don’t seem interested I back off. No one likes to be pushed into anything.

4) We love popping pimples, but we aren’t taught how to do it
“I can’t speak on behalf of all estheticians, but I personally enjoy ’popping pimples,’ or what we professionally call extractions,” Snyder says. However, she points out that extractions aren’t taught in detail at most schools, which means some estheticians aren’t well trained in the skill. She says it’s up to individual estheticians to get additional training on this—particularly if they’re just starting out—so it’s worth asking your facialist if she’s well trained before she starts popping. 

I can say emphatically I am not one of those people who love to “pop pimples. I even dislike that phrase! I do extractions and I do them well because they are an integral part of a proper facial treatmentas long as they are needed. But it is true that students arent really given much information on how to perform extractions. As I mentioned above, finding out about someones training is not necessarily going to tell the whole story. And even if you are going to a fledgling aesthetician, she may already be proficient with extractions, although thats somewhat doubtful. At the same time, you could be getting a facial from someone who has been working for 10 years and still may not be good at extractions. I do agree with the second half of this secret and that’s unfortunate since extractions are a part of the facial where skill is essential.

5) Never trust a zitty esthetician
You know the saying “never trust a skinny chef”? Well, the same goes for estheticians. “If it is evident that the esthetician herself has exceptionally bad skin, it speaks to how she takes care of herself—so how can she take good care of you?” Snyder says.

I have to respectfully disagree with the above statements. A skinny chef certainly doesnt connote a bad chef in my book. But it is certainly true that if your aesthetician wears a lot of makeup you really cant ever see her skin. It is not an indictment if someone likes to wear makeup, but I think covering your skin up if youre giving facials is a mistake. You want to instill confidence in your clients and one sure way is to don beautiful, healthy skin with little or no makeup covering it up.

With that said, I realize there are people giving facials that have problems with their skin. Not every professional knows all the right information to help clear up even their own skin conditions. For myself, whenever I had a sugar breakout (earlier in my careerin my 20s and 30s) I would always show and tell my clients about it because I could then educate them on the dos and donts when it comes to sugar and other things that make skin break out. Also if I was having a bad period breakout—again, another chance to impart knowledge. So for me, although I stopped wearing any makeup (even lipstick!) in 1990, covering up skin problems would have been a lost opportunity in terms of talking about it with a client. And as far as a “zitty esthetician” goes, perhaps have a conversation with her and see if she is “untrustworthy” or simply working on healing her problem skin.

6) We know if you’ve been picking
If you’ve been going to town on that zit with your dirty fingernails (in your car), your esthetician will notice the disgusting results—even if she doesn’t give you a guilt trip. “Usually it is evident by scabbing or infected sores [the clients] have created,” Snyder says.

I can’t speak for any other aestheticians, but I definitely can tell when someone has “picked” at their skin. I once had a client say I could tell what kind of car she drove by looking at her skin! She obviously meant that I can see all when it comes to someones face and specifically their skin. Unless the person doing the “picking” is really good at it and does it correctly (see link below), self-extraction by a non-professional is quite obvious.

7) You don’t actually need that peel or microdermabrasion
Snyder says she often has clients insisting on a “really strong peel,” microdermabrasion, or a trendy treatment they read about in a magazine. For most people—and especially anyone with sensitive skin—these treatments aren’t necessary. 
The lesson here: Find an esthetician you trust, and listen to what she recommends.

Finding someone you trust is essential of course. It’s your face we’re talking about here so trust is key. But I will say this as well: go to more than one aesthetician. Sometimes seeing what another facialist does (or doesn’t) do will guide you as to who to see on a regular basis. Give a few people a try for information-sake. You may like the products one uses better than another; you may like certain techniques better; you may decide to see more than one aesthetician ongoing, which is totally fine. If you’re unsure about your caretaker, give others a try to give you better perspective.

When it comes to strong peels and the like, my views are well-documented in many articles on this blog. And as far as “add on” products and procedures once the facial has started—I am totally against that practice!
8) You won’t see immediate results
Sad, but true: Facials won’t give you instant gratification like Botox or Juvederm, Snyder says. So are you blowing $80 or more on an hour of mere relaxation? Not quite. “Over time, clients who invest in facials and proper skin care find that they age gracefully and more naturally without requiring so many nips and tucks.” So basically, think of it as a way to pay now and save on fillers—or even more drastic measures—later.

I couldnt disagree more! At least I disagree when it comes to Yonka facialsor perhaps just my Yonka facial. Most first-time clients are amazed at how good their skin looks after the treatment. Its never a guarantee, but facials certainly can give you immediate results. 

I will say there is a definite quality to a clients skin who has been coming in on a monthly basis for years. Sometimes I will see a client in my office for the first time who has been getting regular facials for a long time. I can see it as plain as daysofter, smoother texture and an unmistakeable quality that says “I take care of my skin.”

Every aesthetician is different; I have very specific views on taking care of skin based on my 3-decades plus career. Find someone you like as a person and who is a qualified professional, someone who is very good at her job. In the end the choices are all yours when it comes to your skin and who is going to take care of it. As a side note: I don’t feel that any of the above are true secrets, but still good information for you to have when looking for a facial salon to frequent.

And for any male aestheticians reading this, I say it at the beginning of my books and I’ve said it on this blogsite: When I call aestheticians (or clients) she and her it is simply to avoid the awkward he/she, him/her grammar. I appreciate any and all who call themselves aestheticians!

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