
Wednesday, September 13, 2017

Tips & Skin Boosters for anyone stuck in an office all day

The recycled air found in most offices and work places is no friend to your skin. A daily work life spent indoors can often leave your skin dull, dry and irritated. Makeup can turn blotchy and will often require frequent retouching. The good news is there are easy ways to combat the ravages of dry office air. If you are eager to recapture a glowing, healthy look to your skin, try adding one or more of the following tips into your daily or weekly routine.
  • Do some form of stretching exercises once or twice during the work day to improve circulation. This will give an energy boost to all parts of your bodyincluding your skin!
  • A lunchtime break spend outside has many benefits. The extra oxygen in the outside air can give your skin a healthy glow. Breathing in fresh air is invigorating and can help you face the afternoon’s work with more energy. (Don’t forget to wear a cream with SPF!)
  • At night, cleanse your skin twice. The first time to remove any makeup you may be wearing (especially foundation), and the second time to get your skin really clean. For a relaxing treat: Take a clean, warm (not hot!) washcloth and place it over your face before cleansing to help lift off some of the makeup and to prepare and soften your skin for deeper cleaning with your cleanser.
  • Stimulate blood flow to the face by exfoliating (sloughing off dead skin) 2-3 times weekly. Yonka’s Gommage is my personal favorite and an excellent choice. (See link below.)
  • Give yourself an at-home facial. Start with a thorough cleansing, use an exfoliant, and follow with a mask that suits your individual skin type. A clay (cleansing) mask is my favorite recommendation. Then, take a relaxing bath while masking. After your bath, remove the mask and follow with a spray toner and moisturizer.
  • Water helps to hydrate the tissues and aids with detoxification. Drinking more water and eating high-water content foods like raw fruits and vegetables helps the body’s eliminating organs do a more efficient job. Many people are surprised to learn that our skin is the body’s largest organ of elimination.
  • Vitamin C helps in the manufacturing of collagen, a protein essential to the healthy elasticity of the skin. Vitamin C also aids the body in detoxification. When the body is free of toxins, you are more energetic, feel less bloated, and your body performs optimally so you look and feel healthier.

Think of these tips as “skin boosters.” A little care can go a long way in getting rid of the office’s drying effects on the skin and helping to keep your skin healthy from the inside out. Practicing these steps on a regular basis will give you visible benefits to enjoy while at the office 9 to 5, but really 24/7—365.

For more information, see: