
Monday, May 1, 2017

The Importance of Vitamin C for your skin (and body)

Vitamin C is one of the great skin care vitamins. Vitamin C is used by the body for the production and formation of collagen, the supporting structure of your skin. It is collagen and elastin that give your skin spring and resiliency, and it is when the collagen fibers break down that the tissue becomes flaccid (looses elasticity). 

Vitamin C is water-soluble, meaning it is flushed out with the urine. This means it is not stored in the body like fat-soluble vitamins are; vitamins A and E, for instance. Therefore, you must get enough C from the diet (or supplements) each and every day to get the necessary daily supply.

Since many things we do on a daily basis causes break it down in vitamin C, it is a good idea to take extra C on a daily basis. Some thing that breakdown this vital vitamin are drinking alcohol, smoking, breathing unclean air, being under any stress, or even sticking your face under a hot or cold shower. Just the process of living seems to deplete this vitamin!

If you plan on using a Vitamin C supplement, be sure to find one with bioflavinoids specifically. Bioflavinoids are found in the rinds of fruit and are found to help in strengthening the capillary walls. The capillaries are what make up the blood network to the skin on the face. Couperose (see link below) is a condition that occurs when these walls break” or dysfunction due to a weakening.

Couperose looks like tiny spider-like red veins just under the surface of the skin. Thinner skin shows these veins more readily, although any skin type or thickness is prone to couperose given the right set of circumstances.

Causes of couperose range from extremes of hot and/or cold water or weather, alcohol (which dilates the capillaries), smoking (which constricts the capillaries), air pollution, high blood pressure, stress, caffeine, and of course, a lack of sufficient C present in the body. Keeping the capillaries as strong as possible is important for their long-term health. This is where vitamin C can help.

As far as dosage for this all-important vitamin, your own body will usually tell you. Vitamin C will cause diarrhea if taken in too large a dose for your body (metabolism). If this happens, or if your bowels become too loose for comfort, simply reduce the amount of C and use your body as your guide.

Overdosing” on Vitamin C is actually used specifically as a colon cleanse. Large doses are taken frequently during the day as a curative and purifying cleanse. If you choose to (go) use C as a therapeutic cleanse, make sure you are on holiday or will have easy access to a bathroom as you will be in need frequently as soon as the cleaning process begins. Be prepared!

The RDA (recommended dietary allowance) is set, by most estimates, very low when it comes to many vitamins including vitamin C. The current RDA is 60 milligrams (ml). Taking closer to a few thousand a day is more commonly recommended. If you remember two things: vitamin C is not stored in the body and if you take too much your bowels will become looseyou should be good to go when taking these higher doses.

For more information, see: