
Saturday, April 1, 2017

Yonka’s new skin lightening treatment line ESSENTIAL WHITE: a few thoughts

My aim with all of these articles is to give you honest information on how to take care of your skin based on my 30+ years in the skin care industry as an aesthetician, which includes Yonka-Paris skin care products—products I have used for nearly my entire career.

I base any and all of the information I share about these products on my personal/professional experience with them; sometimes using client comments about their experiences, too. I always encourage you to try things that I may not give a great review to, knowing that my judgement or that of my clients may be different than your own experience. With the Essential White products, this could not be more true.

Since I do not have significant pigmentation problems with my own skin, I carefully chose a few clients who did—clients with hyperpigmentation, the very issue Essential White is meant to address. Not only did I “sample” these products to clients with pigmentation issues, but I also chose people who I knew would use these products as directed. This is an important component. Without using a product as recommended, this would not have been an accurate experiment. (The samples were actually full retail-sized products.)

After these (two) clients used the duo and also the “pen” (Correcteur Cible) for four weeks, I can say without hesitation that I saw no significant improvement in the pigmentation of these select clients. They used as directed and I have seen these clients monthly—for years. I know their skin and I believe I would have seen any differences, no matter how slight, within a month of using Essential White.

Anyone who knows me or even those of you I’ve never met who read this blog know that I love Yonka products. The fact I have continued to use them in my salons—exclusively—for over 30 years is the obvious confirmation of that. So it is not my intention to slam any product from this line, but I do feel compelled as an aesthetician and author to give you, the reader, the most honest and informative advice on how to best take care of your skin as well as my view on individual Yonka products. Therefore I can’t give Essential White a positive review.

As you can read in other articles on “miracle” skin lightening products, I am not a believer. In all the years I’ve been working with skin I have yet to see anything work well on pigmentation issues. In other words: I’ve seen nothing truly lighten dark spots. I had hope for these new Yonka Essential White products, but I really wasn’t expecting miracles. The ineffectiveness I’m talking about is for products (Yonka and others) specifically; there are some treatments, like IPL, that can be quite effective on hyperpigmentation. I will discuss some of these treatments in upcoming articles.

Perhaps one month is not enough time to see noticeable results with pigmentation irregularities. But I can say with certainty that very few clients, myself included, will give a product much more time than that to see marked results.

I have to also add this: The Essential White products do not have any scent—none of the wonderful Yonka aromatics that everyone associates with this product line. I’ve admitted in past articles that I love (and miss in some of the newer products) the original Yonka aromas that are powerful reminders of the essential oil content contained in these products. Certainly, if I found Essential White to work wonders for hyperpigmentation, who cares if they have Yonka aromatics!

Read the specific product information from the link below, and if you have issues with hyperpigmentation and you are so inclined, give these products a try. If you see significant results, please let me know! I will be thrilled to add your positive comments to this blog article.