
Sunday, August 23, 2015

Cellulite happens—how about a paradigm shift?!

If you don’t already have some cellulite, consider yourself lucky (or young). If you are a woman approaching your 40s who doesn’t have cellulite, you soon will. If you are one in a million, you might not, but most of us ladies (and some men, too) will see the ugly monster present itself at some point in our lives. Although men do develop cellulite on certain parts of their bodies, I think it is predominately a woman’s issue.

My feeling about this “malady” is really no different than how I feel about wrinkles and the aging process in general. Cellulite isn’t the end of the world, it is just your body going through the motions of aging and storing fat. It’s doubtful you can get rid of cellulite completely, even with expensive procedures; in time the cellulite will most likely return.

I doubt my point of view will make you feel any better, but it is an attitude that I have decided to adopt, knowing there isn’t a lot I can do about cellulite. Honestly, I just don’t let it bother me. It’s everybody else’s problem to deal with, not mine. And I actually mean that! With that said, I don’t love the cellulite that has somewhat taken over my body since walking through the gates into menopause. The dimpling had definitely gotten more widespread with the changing of my hormones, but still I persist in not letting it get me down. I don’t, however, wear short skirts or short shorts anymore!

Are you judging yourself based on how you judge others? Do you look at someone with cellulite and say “Ick,” or “That is so ugly”? If so, then naturally when it comes to your own possession of this fatty substance, you are going to frame it the very same way. How about a paradigm shift? Stop judging others’ cellulite and ease up on your own self-judgment too. If you try on this new attitude for a change, you may start feeling differently about cellulite.

For the last several years I have been down for the count with adrenal exhaustion. Not fatigue—exhaustion. Gone were my hiking days (boo!) and also gone was the energy to simply do the basic tasks that were needed in my day. And so, too, the cellulite on my body grew. It’s everywhere now, not just on the backs of my legs, and I still maintain the attitude of, “Oh, well.” One day I’ll be able to exercise again but doubtful will I really be able to rid my body of the cellulite I have accumulated since my hormones went through “the change.” And that’s OK!

If you have a lot of cellulite and you are out of shape, guess what? Maybe it’s time to put things into perspective. You either need to get moving, get your muscles in shape, and burn some of your stored fat (aka cellulite), or you need to remember that the fat you see as cellulite is just your body showing you the fruits of your labor, or in this case, the possible fatty deposits of your non-exercising ways. Fat is stored (deposited) in the body to be used for energy at a later date. If you are not pushing your body to consume more energy, fat will accumulate. This is not to ignore those of us who have a genetic tendency to get cellulite, but in general keeping your body active and the calories burning can help keep fat from depositing.

Not everyone can be active and exercise to increase the mobility of his or her body. I realize some of you may have injuries you cannot overcome or are disabled in some way that decreases your ability to move. I am speaking to the majority of you who can exercise but don’t. Or maybe you do exercise, but you also eat a diet laden with poor-quality foods. Finally, you may exercise rigorously, eat a low-fat, high-quality diet, and still be genetically predisposed to having cellulite. My condolences to all of us who fit under that category! Rather than give a diatribe on exercising or diet, what I really want to say is that cellulite is here to stay, and there isn’t a lot you can do about it. But be my guest: go and spend hundreds if not thousands of your hard-earned dollars trying to get rid of that dimpled fat.

It’s not unlike wrinkles: no matter how hard you try to get rid of them, they will find a way to make their presence known. You can fight and be defiant in your resistance, but somewhere along the way I hope you will ease up on your fight against cellulite (or aging) and turn your attention to helping your body become healthy and balanced from the inside out. The “out” may never be void of cottage cheesy-looking thighs, but if you are living a good life and enjoying it to the fullest, my hope is that those minor inconveniences will just pass in and out of your mind without stopping to be refueled. I’m hoping you will find a way to just let it go, to try and get over it and be happy!

As you are walking around, you cannot see your cellulite; it’s other people who can. So let them bear the responsibility of liking it or not. Who cares what they think, anyway? If they are strangers, so what? And if they are your family or friends who love you, they love you, cellulite and all. Perhaps you have a friend or husband or mother who chides you about your cellulite. Create a good comeback for their insensitive comments and know you are doing the best you can to have a healthy body and a healthy outlook on life, cellulite included.

Choose your battles. Is this one a worthy choice or could your time and energy be better spent pursuing more attainable goals? Maybe instead of seeking to eliminate the monster cellulite, could you settle for committing to a regular exercise program? Even if all it involves is walking—every day. Exercise is important and there are books, videos, and vast numbers of people who can help you put together a healthy routine to keep your body in good shape.

For most of us, cellulite is going to happen at some point—especially as we get older and especially if we gain weight and get overly fat. If you choose to spend your life trying to get rid of cellulite, I truly believe you are fighting a losing battle.

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