
Monday, August 3, 2020

Yonka’s Juvenil vs. essential oils for problem skin: What’s the difference?

Just so I have this right: The ampoule of brown liquid you gave me is the same one that is in the first blog article you sent—yes? It says you can put it all over your face, and I got a different impression from you today, so I guess I’ll need some clarification.

Yes, the blog post you mentioned was for Juvenil [listed below], the same brown liquid I gave you today in my office. What I was talking about when I saw you was about the ability to use Juvenil in larger areas than you would ever want to apply an essential oil. Juvenil is very aqueous (liquid-y) and a little goes a long way. In short, yes you can use Juvenil all over the face. With that said, it would be a waste to use it in places where there is no breakout since this product helps to diminish bacterial infections (red, infected breakout).

For clarification: you can use Juvenil on any breakout—widespread or not. With lavender oil you don’t want to use it “liberally”—just on the individual spots. Lavender or any essential oil is too strong and intense to apply on a big surface area of skin; you just want to use it locally vs. generally. Juvenil, on the other hand, can be used liberally, although it too can be used as a spot treatment only. I hope you and your son find some help with Juvenil!

Here is a short followup from my client:

Okay, my son got a nice dose of Juvenil on the “bad” spots this morning. He didn’t complain too much about it, so we’ll see how it goes! 

You can’t go wrong with either of these products (Juvenil or essential oils), but in some cases one is preferable than the other. If you have widespread breakout I’d recommend Juveniloften and liberally. If you just get a blemish now and then, you might be better off with an essential oil like lavender of geranium. Personally, I like to have my arsenal of skin care weapons chocked-full, so if you can have both on hand for any problems that appear on your skin, then do!

Another client who just had her first facial with me was asking about Juvenil. She has a slight case of rosacea along with some problems with occasional breakouts.

I was wondering about the calendula product you used on me during the facial and also the geranium oil I read about in the booklet you gave me. Could I use these on not only my breakout but on the rosacea places too?

The calendula product I used is called Juvenil. Its great for taking the redness out of infected blemishes. Although I dont have any anecdotal experience using Juvenil on rosacea, Im certain it wouldnt hurt that skin. Calendula is very soothing and calming, so it might help with the redness in your rosacea skin. Try it and see!

If you want a sample of Juvenil to try on your rosacea places, I’m happy to give you one. Yonka doesnt actually make “samples” of their concentrates, but for facials I get Juvenil in little glass ampoules. I can give you one and put a little rubber dropper top on it for ease of application. Then you can try it and see what you think.

Geranium (or lavender) essential oil is also great for bacterial infectionssame as Juvenil. Essential oils can be found in any health food store. You’d use essential oils on the spots only versus Juvenil that can used a little more widespread on your skin if you have a lot of breakout.
Although you are essentially using Juvenil or an essential oil for the same thing—infected blemishes—they really are to be used in two different ways. Well, that’s not exactly true! Here is the short version of what I’m trying to get across here:
    • Use directly on any infected spots
    • Can be used on entire face if you have a lot of breakout widespread
    • Can sooth irritated skin, so its OK to use on a large area
  • ESSENTIAL OILS (geranium or lavender are best)
    • Use a small amount directly on spots—only!
    • Do not use in a large area or spread on your entire face—please!