
Monday, June 11, 2018

My facial experience at “Jane’s Salon”

Whenever I move to a new city or town, I like to get facials in all the hot spots from those who would soon be my “competitors.” I actually don’t see other aestheticians as competition per se; we are all so individual both in personality and ability along with the products we use and sell, there really is no competition. I suppose if there was a great Yonka aesthetician working in an office next door to me I would have some reservations, but short of that I don’t feel competitive.

In my quest to do some research, I wanted to get facials from a few big-wigs to see what residents of my new location had been exposed to. I went into my exploration with high hopes—really; I wanted there to be great facials here in town. If for no other reason than I could get regular facials on my off days!

I’m not going to name names here. My point in publishing this information is not to bash fellow business owners; I want to give you my experiences with different facials—supposedly top notch facials—to show you what can happen even when you are going to the best. This all, of course, is my opinion and my opinion only.

I have certain likes and dislikes—as a client—going into a facial. And I cannot extricate myself from being an aesthetician when I get facials, either. I offer my clients the types of treatments and education that I personally would want if I was a layperson. Therefore all of this colors my opinions and decisions about what is a good facial and what isn’t. Because of the not naming names, I will call this aesthetician “Jane” from “Jane’s Salon.”

Jane was knowledgeable and explained everything thoroughly in her broken English. At Jane’s Salon they have add-ons, something I’m not a fan of. I signed up for a particular facial, and with all the add-ons, I could have gone into debt. The extras were $25-$45 to start with. To her credit, Jane didn’t push me into anything, but there is certainly a lot of opportunity to spend big bucks at Jane’s Salon.

As I have done in other facial critiques, I didn’t write too much about the facial procedure itself in this article, and I wish I had. With this particular facial I had more opinions about how I felt more than what was done—such as:
  • I liked the art mural in the facial room and the robes and slippers that were supplied.
  • I was cold throughout the treatment, even though I did speak up and more blankets were applied.
  • There was a constant and annoying chirping noise, which made it impossible to relax. The noise was coming from one of the facial machines, I was told.

After the actual treatment was over, a “facial finisher” came into the room to give me a hand massage; perhaps she was an intern. This lady said my skin looked amazing—yet it was dark in the room, as I mentioned to her. “I have a trained eye,” was her response. I inquired about a few ingredients in the products the salon sold, and she got flustered and left the room.

Over all, it was a sub-par experience. I’d rate it a 4 out of 10—not too good. It was a $99 facial with an additional $30 since I requested Jane herself. $129 total. It was interesting for me as an aesthetician, but disappointing for me and my skin as a client. If I didn’t understand the world of skin care like I do, I think this facial would have been confusing for me. Lots of machines, lots of foreign skin care talk. Oh, well. I’ll keep looking for the next best thing.

I actually wrote at the beginning of my notes (notes I jot down in my car after a facial treatment—otherwise I’ll forget): “Oy vey! My skin feels like I want to wash it after the facial treatment.” This, unfortunately, is a common experience. I have felt that way after many facials and I have heard from clients feeling the same way. This, by the way, is not how your skin should feel after a facial!

This salon is right next door to a popular hotel, so I’m sure they get a lot of business from out-of-towners who come in once while they’re in town and never come back to the salon. For the client, I would imagine even if it was a so-so facial, it’s of no major consequence since they probably won’t be back in town to get another treatment any time soon. That doesn’t excuse a sub-par treatment, but it does explain how someone can stay in business.

For more information, see: