
Monday, March 27, 2017

Pricey Products Q & A

Why should I use some expensive cream when I can buy one for a few dollars at the grocery or a chain superstore like Target?

If you can find inexpensive products that work well for your skin, that’s great! You don’t necessarily have to spend a lot of money. Experience has shown me that most inexpensive products don’t work for people with problem skin, whether it be breakout or redness or sensitivities. So if you have no-problem skin and find cheaper products that work, by all means use those if you want to.

Ingredients can make a difference—depending on the products they’re in. I like essential oils, and usually the products that contain essential oils are more expensive than what you would find in a grocery or chain store. The bottom line: always find what works best for you. Maybe you can use inexpensive products; maybe you can’t. Your skin will always let you know what you need to do.

I find many skin care systems a little pricey. However, I do realize if you want a good product you have to pay for it. But what do normal, working class women do if they want great skin? I have tried many products and most seem to do well on my skin. I just hope I don’t have to mortgage my home to continue to use a good product!

I realize products can get expensive. However, if you find something that really does work and is something that you can continue to use for a long time, I would imagine you will save money. How? Because you won’t be wasting your time and money on the myriad products out there—many of which I am sure you have purchased, and perhaps without much effect on your skin.

In my opinion, when it comes to your skin you may have to pay a little more to get good products. It can be a hard road finding something that works. Sampling is very important. Then you can try any product in the privacy of your own home and see how it works over several days.

Depending on your skin, you may be able to use an inexpensive product. Just be sure to monitor your skin to be sure whatever you are using is doing a good job and, of course, not causing any problems. You don’t have to spend a lot of money, but percentage-wise, better products do tend to cost more.

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