
Thursday, July 7, 2016

Lavender—an amazing healing remedy for burns (and blemishes, too!)

Lavender is probably the most popular and widely recognized of all the essential oils. Lavender has numerous healing abilities. Probably the best-known is the effect of this essential oil on burns. Lavender is even used in burn units in some hospitals in France. I know if I had a severe burn, I would want essential oil of lavender as at least one of the healing tools used.

My friend Elizabeth called and said she had splashed hot oil on her face while cooking the night before. Although the spots were fairly small where the oil had met her skin, they we re starting to blister and were red. She had Neosporin (an antibiotic cream) in her medicine cabinet and used that until we talked the next day. I recommended she go to her health food store and purchase a bottle of pure essential oil of lavender.

Lavender oil (aka lavender essential oil or essential oil of lavender) has excellent properties that help to alleviate the pain of a burn, and it also has a tremendous ability to help start the healing process for the damaged cells. And as with almost all essential oils, lavender also has antibiotic properties.

I instructed Elizabeth to simply apply the lavender oil to the affected areas as often as she could, and no doubt it would help her skin to heal as well as soothe the pain, which it did. Elizabeth called a few days later and said all signs of the oil burns on her skin were gone. She agreed that everyone should have lavender oil in their first-aid kit.

Whether oil has splashed on your face or your arm or if you burned your finger or hand getting something out of a hot oven, try lavender to take the burn out and heal your skin.

I always travel with a small bottle of lavender. As mentioned, lavender oil has natural antibiotic as well as antiseptic abilities. It is a mood enhancer, helping to calm you down during times of stress. It can even help you sleep if you put a few drops on a cloth or a pillowcase. But my number one (personal) reason for using this amazing essential oil is for its excellent healing ability on topical skin burns. Lavender is truly an important product to have in your medicine cabinet or travel kit.

For more information about lavender, see: