
Thursday, January 14, 2016

Lysine for cold sores (and cats?)

PLEASE—don’t touch your cold sore!
If you have the herpes virus, you know how debilitating it can be. The trick to keeping the painful sores from appearing in the first place is to recognize the early warning signs and take care immediately.

At the first sign of an outbreak (usually a nerve twinge or tingling at the spot your herpes manifests), (a) take your prescription medication if you have one (Zovirax or other prescription brands), or (b) take lysine (aka L-lysine), which is an amino acid that has been found to help with the herpes virus. Don’t wait for the sore (sometimes referred to as a cold sore) to make its presence known before you take something for it. If you act quickly, it can help prevent the long and arduous task of living with a herpes sore.

The following has been reprinted by permission from The How To Herb Book, my most favorite herb book to date.

L-lysine is an enzyme that has been found to help the cold sore virus, Herpes I and II. At the first sign or start of cold sore or canker, taking one 500 mg. tablet of lysine has been effective in preventing them from occurring. (Aloe vera also contains this enzyme.) Some people who have had trouble with cold sores and cankers all their lives have started taking one lysine tablet each day and have had no more problems with them.

Excess arginine, an amino acid which is in large concentration in chocolate and nuts, is thought to be a contributing cause of cankers and cold sores. Lysine and arginine balance each other. When cankers or cold sores exist, arginine is in excess and extra lysine is needed to bring the body back in balance.

L-lysine has immune system boosting benefits. One of my cats, Jax, recently caught an upper respiratory infection at a boarding facility. Poor guy, he was sniffing and sneezing for several days when I called the vet. Although I could have taken him in and had extensive (and expensive) tests, his vet recommended starting off with lysine. She said it would help boost his immune system and is something they give animals who have just come from the shelter and whose immune systems are definitely compromised. She said to start with lysine and give it a few days to make a difference, which it did. Jax had symptoms for about 4-5 days, but I do feel the lysine helped to ease his illness.

I got capsules, not tablets. The caps are easy to open up to access the powder, then sprinkle into wet cat food. I could have used tablets, but I’d have to crush them up (with a hammer, I guess) to get a fine powder. Why bother? L-lysine capsules are easy to find and very easy to administer to a sick cat.

Please don’t use the above as a prescription for your pet. I’m simply using this as an example of how l-lysine can be helpful for many different things—and beings.

For more information, see:
A website I looked at actually said chicken noodle soup could help the cat!