
Sunday, March 8, 2015

How chlorophyll can help your skin (and ease constipation)

My FAVORITE herb book!
The following was reprinted in my book, Timeless Skin, with permission from the authors of The How To Herb Book.  If you’re looking for a great book on herbs and how to use them for better health, get this book! It is out of print, so a bit harder to find, but still work looking for it.

Chlorophyll is the “blood of plant life.” It is the life force of plants and contains life-giving nutrients that are easily assimilated by the human body. Its molecular structure is very similar to the molecular structure of the human red blood cell—hemoglobin. It has the same effect as iron and is a natural blood builder.
Nutrition and Digestion

  • helps to control and regulate calcium levels in the blood. Studies show menstrual blood has 40% more calcium in it than normal blood. Chlorophyll helps control this monthly loss of calcium.
  • aids in blood sugar problems.
  • lubricates ileocecal valve to keep it functioning properly.
  • increases iron in milk of nursing mothers.
  • is excellent to use in a cleansing diet because its fluids clean the structure of the cell and its important minerals build new cell life. It has been called “liquid sunshine” because it absorbs energy from the sun.
Cleansing and Healing of Chlorophyll

  • is a great natural healer and cleanser for chronic conditions internally and externally.
  • stops growth and development of toxic bacteria. Disease-causing bacteria find it difficult to live in the presence of chlorophyll. Counteracts toxins.
  • accelerates tissue cell activity and normal regrowth of cells, which helps the body heal faster.
  • has been used in salves and ointments for external use.
  • can be used as a gargle for tonsils.
  • inhibits the metabolic action of carcinogens (cancer causing elements).
Purifying Qualities of Chlorophyll

  • helps purify the liver and eliminate drug deposits, old toxic material, chemical spray on food, artificial flavoring, colors and other coal tar products that may become stored in it.
  • helps to get bile moving regularly.
  • acts as a detergent in the body.
  • has been used to remove toxic metal from children.

  • deodorizes the bowel and entire body; a natural antiseptic to the intestinal tract.
  • goes unchanged until it reaches the small intestine.
  • aids in rebuilding damaged bowel tissue and helps to eliminate mucus.
  • reduces acid, which produces putrefaction in bowel.
  • helps to keep colon healthy because it destroys toxic and disease causing bacteria.
  • one teaspoon of concentrated chlorophyll (liquid form) to one cup of water equals a glass of green drink.
Because the information on chlorophyll is so abundant, it is difficult to condense it. However, one thing is clear, chlorophyll is so valuable to the body that green drinks or chlorophyll should be part of a daily regime.

As you can see, chlorophyll can help keep you healthy in many, varied ways. And it is an important addition to any problem skin program.

When I have clients who are broken out, I ask if they are eliminating regularly, or are they constipated. This is important to know because when your colon is holding on to toxins (when you’re constipated), many times your skin, being the largest organ of elimination, will take on the job of releasing this toxic buildup. Being broken out is a reflection of toxicity that may be due to improper elimination. Chlorophyll helps to loosen hardened debris off the walls of your colon and gets things moving along. This can help stop toxins from being reabsorbed into your body, which might otherwise result in breakouts. If you’re constipated, try chlorophyll, and remember how important your colon’s health is to clear and blemish-free skin. 

“Back to chlorophyll. One of my clients had major back surgery. She was told not to put any strain on her back muscles, including straining during elimination. Worried about the constipation she was experiencing due to the medication she was taking, this client called me looking for help. The first words out of my mouth were Take chlorophyll.” I knew it would do a lot to get things flowing and relieve her constipation. My client called back a few days later with excellent news. She was no longer constipated and therefore not endangering her back.

Chlorophyll can be purchased at your local health food store and comes in a liquid (my preference) or in capsules. Chlorophyll is basically concentrated alfalfa juice and tastes a bit like grass. Some brands add mint flavoring in an attempt to mask the taste of the alfalfa, but once chlorophyll is mixed with water, it doesn’t have a strong taste. I prefer the non-mint types, but you can decide for yourself which flavor you like best. Also be aware that chlorophyll will stain like grass. Be careful not to spill it on a porous countertop or drip it on your clothes. Mixing your green drink over or in the sink would be best.

The recommendation on the bottle is to take one tablespoon of chlorophyll in a glass of water twice daily. If you have breakout, I recommend taking four tablespoons in water twice a day for at least three to four weeks. You want to get enough chlorophyll in your system to effect a change. After a month or so of using this higher dosage, you can take one tablespoon twice a day if you prefer or continue with the higher dose. Four tablespoons is equivalent to a full shot or saki glass.

Consider taking a small bottle of chlorophyll with you if you tend to get constipated while traveling. If I’m going to a city where I know I can pick some up at a health food store, I’ll wait to buy it there. Chlorophyll needs to be kept in glass, and because it stains, you certainly don’t want the bottle to break in your travel bag. I recommend putting it in one or two Ziploc baggies just to be safe. If that’s too much trouble, chlorophyll does come in capsule form.

For more information, see: