
Tuesday, August 5, 2014

Thoughts from a client after reading Timeless Skin

Thank you for your book, Timeless Skin. It opened my eyes to simple ways in which I can care for my skin better. It was so easy to read, well written, and very informative! Thank you for sharing your wisdom. The things that I have changed since I read your book are many:
  • I now wash my face with only lukewarm water. I LOVE hot water; that will never change. However, now I will be much more protective of the delicate skin on my face and chest when I use hot water.
  • I love using geranium oil on my breakouts! It really clears them up quickly without drying out my skin. I think that I like it more than other blemish control products, so for the price and the aroma, geranium oil is my pick!
  • I am excited about your suggestion to take chlorophyll, as it has been recommended to me on several occasions. I am going to start that next month. I did not want to change multiple elements of my routine at once, so I am waiting for a few more weeks to start.